The apocalypse has occurred and all humans are gone. Not everything has disappeared as a result, though. Robots which were created by people still remain on the Earth as “living” beings. Without purpose in their lives, they simply form tribes and co-exist. And yet, one robot decides to go on an adventure to find its maker.
This journey sets the stage for Poncho as a 2D puzzle platformer. Don’t let that incredibly common genre trapping turn you away just yet! You see, the biggest difference about this from most titles is that you can actually move forwards and backwards through the onscreen scene. If you consider most 2D games as moving along the X and Y planes (think about graphs from math class), then Poncho allows for movement on the Z axis too. With the bits they’ve shown of gameplay so far, this foreground/background aesthetic appears a little confusing. For example, one GIF shows that a player can’t enter a building because they’re too far forward. It’s hard to perceive that as the case though, especially given that a normal 2D game would let you enter with ease. Hopefully the final game will showcase planes that are more obviously distinct.
So how much money do Delve Interactive require to create this unique puzzle platformer? £22,500, or around $37,000, will help bring Poncho to a finished state. They’ve only promised the game for Windows, Mac, and Linux, but also mention their affection for consoles. Perhaps we’ll see some console ports as eventual stretch goals. It seems like a good idea, especially considering platformers were basically born via home consoles.
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Dig the parallax so much, looks really cute.