Have you always wanted to build your own town? It is defintely something that seems fun, although learning how to operate heavy machinery, take care of permits, and pay hefty amounts to actually do it make the reality far less appealing. In Buildanauts absolutely everyone can create their own town whether they’re young or just a kid at heart. Players begin from scratch and devise street layouts, building designs, and finally attempt to keep their townsfolk happy.
As opposed to the likes of Sim City, Buildanauts is very small in scope, which should keep it easy enough for many players to enjoy. Of course, it also utilizes elements that directly involve the player in their work. For example, you can just sit back and draft designs or actually dig for resources, drive trucks, and get very hands-on too. There are also quests and challenges that can be completed to reward players with even more tools.
Buildanauts is already pegged for a fairly wide release. TouchTilt Games expects to release an alpha build later this year on PC (Windows, Mac, and Linux) before bringing the game to Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U next year. In a smart decision, all versions will also include co-op multiplayer. PC players will be able to utilize online multiplayer while consoles nab local play. Unlike many Kickstarters, they’ve already paid for said console licenses. Most of their $35,000 CAD (approximately $31,300) will go to paying Buildanaut’s team.
Track the progress of the Buildanauts Kickstarter by heading over to our Campaign Calendar.
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