I like tanks. There’s just something about driving around in a multi-ton death dealing machine of war that really gets me going. While I’m more of a fan of the classics just put me in something that has a long barrel that rains destruction on everything that crosses my path and I’ll be happy. Which is why Tokyo Warfare caught my interest. Sometimes you don’t want a story driven epic and just want to go around blowing crap up. And it’s apparent that I’m not the only one as this title has been voted in with the Square Enix Collective.
Tokyo Warfare is at its core a game that pits tank versus tank. Play online with others as you go head-to-head with them, shooting at anything that moves, or you can sit back and take on the computer’s AI. There is a campaign mode that has you taking on the communist invaders trying to take control of Japan but honestly the real fun lies in just going crazy and unleashing your arsenal on an unsuspecting populace. Oh, and the enemy tanks I guess. That’s right, the entire environment is destructible.
And while it’s fun to ride around in modern machines of mayhem you can also tweak just about anything you want in Tokyo Warfare. Including several graphical overlays. While most of the screenshots shown are more-or-less your standard fare you can also chance your settings to that of a black-and-white manga feel, among apparently many other settings. Play death dealer however you want and start shooting down environmental assets, including luring other tanks onto ramps all the while safely shooting the ground underneath them. Sometimes you just want to turn your brain off for an hour or two, grab some heavy artillery, and literally go to town in Tokyo.
Track the progress of the Tokyo Warfare Kickstarter in our Campaign Calendar.
Is $21,000 really enough to crowdfund this game?
Seriously. The funding goal is especially strange since it seems clear the developers want to do the USD 185,000 game. The full campaign is even part of the release schedule and called “final release” (Q4/2016)…
Other than that, both the project and the Kickstarter page look great. That manga mode is a neat idea.
Hey folks, just a heads up that while Tokyo Warfare did receive a fair amount of votes and a positive vote ratio on Square Enix Collective, we’re not actually supporting it through Kickstarter, so it’s not one of the Square Enix Collective Approved Projects.
We of course wish the team all the best and good luck with their campaign, but just wanted to clear up any confusion!
Hey folks, just a heads up that while Tokyo Warfare did receive a fair amount of votes and a positive vote ratio on Square Enix Collective, we’re not actually supporting it through Kickstarter, so it’s not one of the Square Enix Collective Approved Projects.
We of course wish the team all the best and good luck with their campaign, but just wanted to clear up any confusion!
Thank you for the clarification.
[…] Warfare was met with a warm welcome when it launched on Kickstarter in December of last year. Having been approved by the Square Enix […]