Do you want to be a pixelated gangsta? Well, you might finally be able to in game developer Chief Eastwood’s Kickstarter project, entitled City of God: Prison Empire. With its retro, bold artwork, City of God’s cinematic trailer pops out at you with gameplay snippets and the naughty lure of running an underworld packed with drugs, junkies and prison inmates.


Even though there isn’t a whole lot of gameplay on display in the Kickstarter page, you can get a whiff of the overall feel and action in store with clips of blazing shootouts and stop-motion prison empire building. Scrolling through the Kickstarter page, there’s evidence of what else is on offer in City of God, including stealing (what a surprise, eh), “gang warfare”, and racing à la “The Fast and The Furious.” A few examples of these featured in lengthier gameplay clips would certainly be a welcome addition to the campaign which has yet to get the ball rolling, having only raised a few hundred dollars of the $30,000 it’s asking for. Like they say, show don’t tell.

cityofgod3Another slightly concerning fact, but one which can be easily remedied, is the placement of the stretch goals and, well, their content. First off, stretch goals should and are usually moved to the bottom of the Kickstarter page so as not to exemplify any sort of overtly aggressive marketing. To add to that, the stretch goals themselves seem overly aggressive; their max goal of $300K just screams “GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!”  Maybe these few campaign tweaks will help get Chief Eastwood’s own empire off the ground.

About the Author

Felix Wong

Felix spent a large chunk of his youth behind a 24 inch monitor and intends to do the same with the rest of his adult life. For reasons still unbeknownst to friends and family, he decided to eschew a more conventional career path to instead become a guy who writes about video games for cash and coin.

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