As a fan of fast-paced shooter games, I thought Eliosi’s Hunt would be right up my alley. You play as Eliosi, a Zelicyan who dreams of becoming a bounty hunter. Due to Eliosi’s small size, he was forced to use his brain rather than his strength. He crafted a gun that allows him to shoot as fast as his fingers can pull the trigger, which leads to some pretty intense fights.

The life of a bounty hunter can be dangerous. In order to survive, the game allows you to obtain upgrades for Eliosi. These upgrades allow him to move faster, do more damage, carry more grenades, and kick more ass. Aside from getting upgrades, you can also pick up special weapons while playing. The demo only showcased a flamethrower, but I’m assuming there are plenty more to come.

At times, the controls were clunky. In a fast paced game, it’s crucial that the player’s movements are smooth and simple. Dodging bullets is difficult enough without having to worry about awkward movement or missteps. During my many playthroughs, I switched between keyboard/mouse and controller. The keyboard was more difficult to control Eliosi with than the controller, however the mouse was far more accurate.

As much as I would have loved to see it, the story was left out of the playable demo. Instead, you’re launched straight into a mission without any context, and it’s clear the focus of the experience was combat.

The game has several unique characteristics that help it stand out, including the checkpoint system and the health system. Rather than picking up health packs or using potions, Eliosi heals himself by shooting small yellow pods which emit energy that Eliosi absorbs. The checkpoint system allows the player to either save their progress, or destroy the checkpoint to gain a permanent speed boost for the mission.

Eliosi's HuntEliosi’s Hunt gameplay has a very unique feel to it and the combat is quite exhilarating. The ability to destroy checkpoints, shoot as fast as humanly possible, and create you own upgrade path for Eliosi all work together to create dynamic gameplay. If the developers are able to clean up the movements a bit and polish up the game, I can easily see Eliosi’s Hunt making it’s way into a ton of Steam shopping carts.

About the Author

Sheldon Perry

Sheldon has been gaming since he could hold a controller. His passion for video games has driven him to pursue a career as a game designer. Although he plays everything available, his favorite genres are RPG, MOBA, FPS, and Sports games.

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