Welcome to our weekly feature, “Question Of The Week.” As you can tell from that entirely original title each week we pose a question to our panel and they chime in with their opinions. No one sees one another’s responses until the story is posted, so each contributors thoughts are their own. Responses are posted in no particular order.
And remember, as with all editorials, the views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Cliqist.com.
The question of the week for the week of 5/11/14 is :
What’s your biggest gaming related crowdfunding disappointment?
[divider]Nathaniel Liles
My biggest disappointment was finally getting to play Darkout. I really enjoyed games like that at the time, and I was hoping for more than just a re-skin of Terraria, but lo and behold, Darkout proved to be even less than a re-skin of Terraria, ridden with glitches, boring game mechanics, useless buttons, impossible crafting, and generally little to do aside from survive. You can read my extended thoughts in my review of Darkout here on Cliqist.com, but suffice it to say that it wasn’t worth anyone’s wait or money. Alternatively, I’m disappointed that CLANG didn’t do… Well, anything at all. You can read about that here too.
To read more of Nathaniels’ work click here. To learn more about them check out our About Us page.
[divider]Adam Clark via Kicktraq
The only real gaming-related disappointment I’ve had that’s stuck with me, in terms of receiving something that wasn’t up to par with what I expected, was when I received my copy of “The Agents“. When I picked it up from the post office, it literally had a giant hole in the side with stuff hanging out. They’d not done a good job of packaging a boxed game in a sachet-style bag without even wrapping the game in bubble wrap or anything. It’s the only time I’ve ever gotten a package where nearly everything inside was destroyed.
As an example, here’s a post from someone with similar damage to the game. Unfortunately it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence as there were many BGG/Reddit threads about people with similar issues, but I believe the project owner took responsibility for not packing things adequately and worked with people with certain types of damage to replace the games.
I’m sure I’ve had others, but that was the only time I was completely disappointed on the arrival of a game.
Adam is the founder of Kicktraq, the go-to place for learning about new Kickstarter projects and their performance. Be sure to check out Kicktraq for more Kickstarter numbers than your brain can handle.
[divider]Gregory Micek
This might be lame, but I’m going to be very superficial with my answer; I won’t go into how disappointed I was at how a developer handled a particular situation, or how backers acted like entitled children over some minor issue. Instead, I’ll focus on a game I was excited about failing funding. There’s been plenty of them, but by far the biggest letdown for me was the new Red Baron. I was raised on the original Red Baron, it was my after-school babysitter, my best friend, and my teacher. Sure, I was a little skeptical over the direction they were taking it, and had concerns over campaign shortcomings, but this was Red Baron! Seeing the game I had waited years for raise only $40,000 of a $250k budget was heart breaking, I still cross my fingers for a return.
To read more of Gregs’ work click here. To learn more about them check out our About Us page.
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