Everywhere I turn, I keep seeing really amazing Kickstarter campaigns for RPGs and JRPGs; I can’t seem to get away from them. But it makes complete sense; my generation grew up with tons and tons of beautiful RPGs and RPG series.
When I see some Kickstarter campaigns that are highly influenced from the classics, I get a little excited. Someone was so inspired by another person’s work that it actually influenced what they wanted to do. There’s nothing I love more than to see someone passionate about a project and working their hind off to finish it.
Gataela is another one of these Kickstarter campaigns that make me a little giddy. Sole developer, Paige Marincak, a computer science student at the University of Ottawa, has been working on this project on and off for about two years and now it’s time to take it to the next level. Tales of Symphonia had captured her heart and since then, she just hasn’t been able to find a game to match it, so she decided to make her very own. At the moment, the game is actually about 80% completed, but it needs tile sets for polishing.
Gataela is designed to be a four part mobile game to be released on iOS, Android, Playbook, and Windows devices. But if the $15K CAD stretch goal is reached, backers can look forward to a PC version. The entire game allows the player to explore and utilize bits of conversations to help them out in the long run. In a 384,000×384,000 pixel-sized world, the entire game feels huge and endless.
The Kickstarter campaign funding goal for Gataela is $5K CAD and it’s already raised $900 since it started. It’s scheduled to end June 11th.
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[…] to Paige for taking the time to answer my questions! You can learn more about Gataela by reading our previous coverage of it. If you’re interested in Gataela you can back it on […]
[…] wrote an update about Gataela not that long ago that you should probably check out. Do it. Make your best friend do it. Teach your […]
[…] few weeks back we had posted an announcement and a preview about the steampunk JRPG Gataela; we also interviewed the developer, Paige Marincak. […]