In June of last year, The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers book project received 140% of its required funds and a legion of excited fans. As the project wore on things got a bit messy but the promise to provide a finished book never disappeared. Here we are now just a little over a year later and this book filled with developer interviews and history is available on Amazon.
The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers is currently discounted a few bucks to $47.38. This softcover book might seem pricey, but it also happens to be quite massive at 526 pages. Curious about the interviews included in this tome? Hardcore Gaming 101 has a full list. Some of the 36 interviews include discussions with Yashuhito Saito, Kenji Inafune, Jun Nagashima, and Ryukushi 07.
Despite the book’s massive size, this is actually only Volume 1. Initially The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers was meant to be one book, but additional interviews caused the page count to expand beyond feasibility. As such, there will be a Volume 2 out at some (currently undetermined) point in the future. In any case, this tremendous book should last readers quite a while and teach them a great deal about Japanese gaming history!
While you’re at it you can also take a look at the companion DVD, which we recently reviewed. With any luck the drama surrounding the entire project will die down.
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