I’ll be the first to admit it. Despite having backed a few, and enjoyed playing my fair share, of action RPGs I’ve never been a huge fan of the genre. That said, if one comes across my path that has just that little something that I’m looking for in a game I’ll take notice. Which is most certainly the case with Project Resurgence. On the surface it’s little more than a fantasy themed Wasteland or Fallout but from what I gathered in the pitch there’s a lot more depth to this title than meets the eye.
In Project Resurgence the world on the surface has pretty much ended. A cataclysmic event sent the surviving population underground and just recently have they emerged from their subterranean vaults to rebuild society. After some time these five tribes found each other and a period of hostility began until they finally decided to band together in a sort of cooperation. At least in the main hub of Dehrgada, a sort of melting pot of cultures and lifestyles. One of the interesting things about this title is that it’s episodic, which is pretty rare for an RPG to undertake. Whether this works or not remains to be seen but it’s certainly something to look at.
The point that really sold me on actually backing for the first episode was that in Project Resurgence you can pretty much play whatever you want. You not only choose your sex, tribe affiliation, and look but you also get to choose your gender identity. It’s rare enough to see a gay playable character but to potentially let you go out as one that’s transgender really spoke to me. And if they’re willing to go that far with play options I don’t see why they wouldn’t consider a similar diversity in NPCs scattered throughout Lumen.
Track the progress of the Project Resurgence Kickstarter in our Campaign Calendar.
By principles, i am against backing episodic project..because i think it’s the new way enterprise found to screw players..before it was DLC now it’s “season pass” and this. Still i was tempted by this one
Until i looked at the price that i find..exaggerated. I get that it is crowdfunding, but 15$ for episode 1 only?
50$ for the whole season? Not even Telltales games..are so expensive! Minecraft story for example atm is at 25$ on GoG! (for 3 or 4 episodes!)
So while, i am very interested in the project, they’re taking people for fools and milky cows
I doubt when the game is actually out, it’ll cost much than 30$ for the whole experience.
I am not concerned about the money (hence i wouldn’t have back so much games).
But, i don’t like being taken advantage of and here..i don’t find the price fair to backers.
On the contrary, i find it inflated.
@Dawnyaaa:disqus Its understandable that you feel this way, but youre comparing 2 vastly different mediums. Telltale are point/click adventure stories where the emphasis is story/characters/lore of the universe with very little or none other type of gameplay. Stories are hard to call good/bad because its a subjective thing. Think of it like this when the full 5 episodes are done, its supposed to be remiscent of CRPGS like Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment and recently Pillars of Eternity.
Full price all 5 episodes may come around 50-65 $ that may true on the surface but keep in mind that this is an indie dev studio taking on a rather ambitious project compared to most. So going with an episodic format is the best way to budget it.
To be honest with you, i’d have no problem with the formula if, they had put on a early bird tier for example at 35$ for the whole season like a 100 limited one.
I understand where you come from and i vastly can agree with your point.
But i always think that somewhere in the middle backers who are taking a risk should also have slight advantages. I am not talking especially for myself..if tier at 35$ there was and i didn’t make the cut i wouldn’t cry on it.
But, i would get the idea that the project is being fair with backers.
Here, the idea is the same as a pre-order there isn’t any advantages for backers to give money (while taking the risk on losing their money) than funding the project and helping it exists.
Which is in itself a beautiful thing. But i’ve seen backers for years taken so much advantage of on several occasion..that my stance has changed on this regards.
Now my stance is “if we’re taking a risk by blindly trusting you, we should get something out of it”. Something at least more rewarding than what the guy who didn’t pledged on KS and bought that on a steam sale could get.
On this particular view, this project does not give any incentive reason to back. But, i get what you say. Still, if they were to proposed an early bird version for the whole season, i would back it.
If they don’t i’ll pass my way.
That’s a fair point, I actually responded to you, because Im helping out the devs with kickstarter questions, so if you got any, you can connect to me on twitter, so I can forward it to them. Comments like yours are very important to us, alot of people these days just complain, understandably so after what happened with some projects, but don’t further elaborate what they want or seek out of tier rewards. I’ll let them know about your thoughts, at the very least keep an eye out for the project and if you got friends and such that are fine with how it is, let them know or if they also got questions, you know where to ask.
Thanks again!
Well, my point of view is very peculiar.
I’ve been around KS..for as long time than Serena Nelson…
To the point that now i tend to think backers as “my people”.
In the long term i have seen a lot of unreasonable behavior done by the creator. Strangely, i think creators often think that the thing that backers forgive the worst is delay and bankrupt or failure to answer expectation.
But that is not the case. What backers appreciate the least is being taken for fools. As in make promises you never intended to keep, lying or stalling time and hiding the state of development, miscommunication, lack of communication, lately there is a new trend to communicate by steam…without regards toward backers, or discovering that the game you back for 15$ the day of release is at 10 on sale..
Backers are people, they can give money and be incredibly supportive in exchange they mostly just want to be considered and maybe treated a bit more affectionately than the random dude than took the thing on steam..2 years later.
Show them a little bit of trust and they’ll give you the world (i am saying this not as an idealistic but as a real shrewd realistic, it is a simple way to get overfunded).
Yeah for sure, that’s all we ask, that you consider it, if not let other people know about it and theyll make their own choices just like you have. A big thing that we want to the utmost is being transparent, answering to comments and questions like yours is part of that. There’s the occassional troll or complaint that arent helpfull to the person themselves/other potential backers or to us, so that can be problematic at times.
Also from what I remember about KS, you don’t get charged on your card unless the KS is fully funded, but maybe there have been situations that you’ve been in where something like that happened and you lost your money.
No, but i’ve been in situation for example were exclusive content where backers overpaid to get were then sold on steam. Like on Armello, for the bandit exclusive backer character.
Or cases like Phoenix, our friend AJTilley and such. I can’t tell you that i’ve lost money as i voluntary pledge for them, but i’ve lost my trust in creators and the crowdfunding system as a whole. Which is much damageable than losing a couple of bucks.
Yeah, its a damn shame, I keep a close eye on kickstarter myself. I thankfully had only good backed kickstarters but you never know beforehand.
@Dawnyaaa:disqus Hey there, I’m the project creator for Resurgence. You make some great points, especially about putting backers first and trust. You are totally right, Kickstarter is a dream factory that only runs on trust. I’ve done a lot of research on how to run a Kickstarter well, and the most important advice I’ve found is to always put backers first. Jamey Stegmaier even wrote a whole book on the subject.
So yes, I can absolutely assure you that is our top priority. We priced the whole experience the way we did so it would be enough to fund development and not value it over AAA offerings. You may also notice we added a budget and timeline breakdown to our campaign page, to build that trust and accountability. Regarding exclusives, we avoided them since we didn’t want any fans to feel left out, just for discovering us too late. We view the whole campaign as an “early bird” reward, so backer’s are definitely getting discounts and freebies for believing in us at this crucial early stage. The only real exclusives we are offering are physical rewards, but the digital stuff will be available later (for a higher price). The season pass we’re offering ($50 total as an add-on) is a $5 discount on all the episodes PLUS any and all DLC that may come later, and that price will go up after the campaign ends. We will also absolutely not be putting the game on sale on launch day.
I just wanted to try and clear some of that up, and say that yes I wholeheartedly believe backer trust is the most important thing. Thanks for your comments!
Ok, you’ve won my pledge. You guys seems like worthy people. At the very we think the same.
Aww thanks!
Awesome! Thanks for your support!
[…] The presence of dedicated servers hosting so many players is particularly interesting, as if this game does end up seeing the light of day we might see lots of communities being build within it – just think Minecraft servers, but instead with Diablo-style RPG systems. In the same time though, for that to happen there needs to be a ton of randomly generated content – crucially content that should really be worth players’ time. By the looks of it, this part is being supervised by designer Ben Cassell (AKA CohhCarnage for all you Twitch lovers), with this being both exciting and puzzling to see since he is already in charge of the current Kickstarter for Project Resurgence. […]