Steve Grand, the developer for Grandroids, has recently added an Update to his Kickstarter page. Before this, the page hadn’t seen an update since April 2014, but that doesn’t mean that development has ground to a halt by any stretch of the imagination.
In this new update, Grand reminds his backers that they can visit the Grandroids site for exclusive updates. Non-backers, unfortunately, will not be able to view this material or participate in any on-site discussions.
While other campaigns will continue to utilize Kickstarter’s platform for backers-only updates, Grand wanted to provide his backers an exclusive community that goes beyond the initial funding site.
Whether this is a good idea or not is subjective, but from what I’ve read from involved backers and Steve himself, it sounds like an amazing, interactive community, and Steve sounds like he’s hard at work.

And c’mon, artificial intelligence is awesome!
It’s good to hear that Grandroids is still very much alive.
It’s good that he’s still working on the game, but expecting people to keep track of updates outside of Kickstarter is kind of a drag.
I’ve never experienced it myself, but yes, having another username/password to remember can contribute to mixed signals by making a campaign appear dead when it’s not.
Perhaps a blending of Kickstarter updates in conjunction with building a community on another site? As a backer, I’d appreciate having that choice, and would bop between the two myself as time allows.