Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake is a cute, kiddy puzzle game centered on a boy on his birthday. Appropriately enough, the title is a lie. Monsters didn’t eat his birthday cake so much as they stole slices of it and hid those slices all over the world for no adequately explained reason. So, the protagonist takes it upon himself to go track the pieces down. Along the way, he runs into several friendly monsters who help him get his apparently massive cake back, one piece at a time.
MAMBC was funded way back in February 2013, and has already been released in July 2014. There haven’t been any updates since its release, and there isn’t a sequel planned as far as we know. So why are we writing a story about it, why did I make a let’s play of it? Because we’ve never written a story about it, only ever briefly mentioning it in a music bundle article two years ago, and it deserves talking about.
Plus today’s my birthday.
It was while recording this let’s play that I realized the saddest birthday celebration in the world playing a birthday themed game by yourself, talking into a microphone half-joking, half-begging for $300 and a free game. I like to celebrate with some class, what can I say?