repopulation1Someone describing their game as a mix of Star Wars Galaxies and Ultima Online makes me hold my wallet a little tighter while thinking about who I can punch.  Both games have an extended history of frustration, failure, and more frustration, so why should I back a game that calls on their names so casually?

But then I think about it a little more.  SWG and UO didn’t start out that they, it was through a series of poor decisions on the part of respective developers that led them down the path of cancellation.  There was a point where both games were cutting edge and fun, complete with dynamic worlds that encouraged you to explore as much as you fought, and gameplay mechanics that made something as potentially tedious as crafting a satisfying use of one’s time.

repopulation2The Repopulation is a sandbox MMO looking for some cash via Kickstarter whose sales pitch is essentially “no dude, it’s like the good ‘ol days of SWG and UO!”  Sure, there’s not a screenshot to be found on the funding page, but there’s a number of gameplay videos that at least give a solid idea of how the game currently looks.  After you look at the moving pictures be sure to swim through the endless list of feature bullet points.  Ok, there are 52, but that’s still a lot!  They cover alliances, combat, missions, skills, crafting, player interaction, and role playing.

 The Repopulation has been receiving a fair amount of buzz from a variety of sites, something that helped them blow past their $50,000 funding goal.  They’re currently sitting at nearly $80,000 with 13 days to go.

 There’s really no way to go back to the good ‘ol days of Star Wars Galaxies and Ultima Online, so you might as well give The Repopulation a closer look.

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About the Author

Greg Micek

Greg Micek has been writing on and off about games since the late nineties, always with a focus on indie games. He started in 2000, which was one of the earliest gaming sites to focus exclusively on indie games.

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