tothedeath1When I was younger there was this kid living in the apartment across the hall from me named Scott.  I hated Scott, and he hated me, in a way that only a couple of 10 year old boys can hate.  Neither one of us never did anything to the other to drive this hatred, we just had this negative energy teeming with disgust and animosity whenever the other was near.  As time went on Scott and I continued to hate one another, but neither of us every did anything about it, but I always secretly wished we did.

What does my dislike for jerk face Scott have to do with anything?  To The Death is a new game on Kickstarter that is essentially the fantasy that played out in my head every time I saw Scott.  In To The Death you play a couple of warriors flying towards one another through the world of the Crawl, a hellish landscape of death, despair, and sweet parallaxing death metal inspired creatures.  As our two warriors continue on their collision course with 1 on 1 combat they fight various enemies, collect weapons and powerups, and configure their loadout in anticipation of the final climactic battle.

tothedeath3The Kickstarter video has some fantastic moments, particularly when you see some of the huge background creatures; it’s all very reminiscent of God of War, as well it should.  The art direction in To The Death is being handled by Cecil Kim, a guy who spent a decade working on the God of War series.  In addition to that, we’ve got the fact that it’s being designed and engineered by Todd Alderman and Francesco Gigliotti.  I know, right?!  Ok so maybe you’re not familiar with Todd and Francesco, but you should know the games they’ve had strong, but gentle, hands in working on; including COD2, Modern Warfare 1 and 2, and Titanfall.

Head over to the To The Death Kickstarter page to see what this tenured group of developers are working on.  If you like what you see why not donate a few bucks to help them hit their $400,000 funding target before February 19th.

Scott, if you’re reading this.  I challenge you to some multiplayer, to the death.

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About the Author

Greg Micek

Greg Micek has been writing on and off about games since the late nineties, always with a focus on indie games. He started in 2000, which was one of the earliest gaming sites to focus exclusively on indie games.

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