If you keep a regular eye on Kickstarter then you’ve no doubt come across Fortis Rex: Rise of the King. Having gone through 5 funding campaigns it seems like you could select a random campaign and come across one of Fortis Rexs’. It’s great that the developer is being so persistent though, an RPG where you control an army of soldiers in an attempt to control as much land as possible is intriguing. So far it looks like things are paying off, the medieval era RPG is coming along pretty well based on the slew of new screenshots released.
Not too bad. Those screenshots, and the rest of the ones found in a recent Kickstarter update, show the in-game city of Tarra which is the oldest city in Fortis Rex and has space for thousands of inhabitants. Sure, things seem to be pretty deserted at the moment, but one thing at a time.
Head over to the Fortis Rex Steam page to learn more about the game through a variety of in-game videos.