steelandsteam2Red Meat Games have announced that episode 1 of Steel & Steam is complete and ready for purchase.  The game is described as a JRPG fantasy steampunk adventure, with gameplay and graphics that harkens back to the classic sprite-based RPGs on the Genesis and SNES.  Players must navigate and battle through a world being consumed by a plague-like desert that carries forth monsters and chapped lips.  The developers at Red Meat Games state that while Steel and Steam features traditional JRPG gameplay players of the game will be able to have an impact on the stories conclusion based on actions they take throughout the game; a significant difference from the linear story roots of the classic JRPGs.

Having raised $8,590 via Kickstarter in September 2013 Steel & Steam development looks like it went pretty smooth, with plenty of updates to backers that gave detailed information on the games’ development.  Developer starts making game.  Asks for money to complete it.  Raises money.  Handles backers professionally.  Completes game.  Imagine if all campaigns went like that!

You can purchase Steel & Steam via either Green Man Gaming or Get Games Go.  The GGG version is a few bucks cheaper, coming in at $6.49 for a limited time.


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About the Author

Greg Micek

Greg Micek has been writing on and off about games since the late nineties, always with a focus on indie games. He started in 2000, which was one of the earliest gaming sites to focus exclusively on indie games.

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