HurriedHeroes1Look at that title. Just look at that gorgeous collection of words, all side-by-side and stuff. I’m not going to pretend I’m not excited about this game, alright? I always open with a paragraph about the significance of a game’s overall hook – that one thing it’s doing right that will draw you in – but I can’t do that with this one. Local multiplayer is one of the most fun gaming experiences you can possibly have with friends. Cross-Play allows you to play with pretty much anyone, especially with a large-scale launch. Dungeon crawling elements add incredible replayability. Procedural generation gives you a different experience every time you play. What am I describing here? Hurried Heroes.

Say you and your buddies are waiting in line for something. Better yet, say you’re waiting for a pizza. You have 20-30 minutes to kill, and you and your buddies don’t have anything to do in the mean time. All you have are your phones and one computer. Maybe, Hurried Heroes will be able to reach its reasonable $8,000 goal, and you can fire the game up on your PC, plug in a few controllers and play 4-player split screen. Wait, there are 8 of you? I hope you ordered a lot of pizza. I also hope you have your phones, because if your other 4 friends have their Android devices, they can play with the local folks at the computer. That’s right, folks, 8-player dungeon crawling with up to 4 players on one machine.

HurriedHeroes2One-man dev team Algitt Studios is working on making this a reality, and depending on how many stretch goals are met, this could be coming to a ridiculous number of platforms. If the $8,000 base goal is met, you’ll be able to cross-play between Android and Windows PC, but if this gets enough attention and reaches its (still realistic) final stretch goal of $60,000, it’ll be released on… PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Wii U, OUYA, PS4, Vita, and XBONE. Check Hurried Heroes out on Kickstarter, share this around, and unlock the stretch goal for your system of choice!


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About the Author

Nathaniel Liles

Nathaniel Liles is a freelance writer, writing major, and indie musician based in Southern Indiana. While procrastinating or avoiding real-world responsibility, Nathaniel enjoys playing rhythm games, action RPGs, and very colorful games with many bright, flashing lights. You can listen to Nathaniel sing songs or download his music for free at

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