Continuing our coverage of Five Nights at Freddy’s, I’ll be taking a look at all the little secrets and rumors that are hidden in the background of the game, constantly watching you, waiting for their moment to stuff a metal endoskeleton inside of you. It’s gruesome stuff, guys, and I’m not going to sugar coat things. It doesn’t get any less spooky when you look at it under a magnifying glass. At the end of all this, we’ll debunk some of the most common rumors.
[wp_ad_camp_1]Now, before we get into all of this, let me go ahead and warn you guys. These are all fan theories. None of this has been confirmed by the developer of Five Nights at Freddy’s, and as convincing as many of these theories are, they are not considered official backstory or lore. Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let’s dive in.
First of all, this is one completely vague game. It’s crazy vague, and because of that, fans have been trying to explain away all kinds of things. One of the most popular topics of discussion is “Phone Guy”, and a ton of speculation has erupted surrounding the circumstances of his death. This is understandable. I mean, he used to be doing the same job as you and, spoiler alert, his phone calls end with him almost certainly being killed by one of our mutual animatronic friends. During that last phone call, we hear a few things.
Someone banging on the door, something only Foxy does
Someone moaning, a behavior typical of Bonny and Chica
The Toreador March, the song that indicates Freddy’s presence when the power’s gone out
So what happened? Many think that Freddy snuck in and killed him, but the song was played, indicating that the power must’ve been out. We didn’t hear the familiar hum associated with the power going out, so it’s possible that something unusual happened, causing the animatronics to act out of order. Many fans also say that if the power went out, the phone would’ve been cut off, but anyone born before 2002 probably knows that wired phones like the one in the office don’t need power to operate. Considering all of the different sounds, however, it’s most likely that the animatronics weren’t playing by the rules – they all attacked Phone Guy at once.
Now, as terrifying as all that may be, even more gruesome may be what happened to Phone Guy after he was attacked. The most popular theory is that he was stuffed inside of Chica’s once-empty suit, and the second row of teeth you see inside of Chica’s maw belongs to Phone Guy. While this theory does tie in well with some lines of dialogue describing the horrifying process of being stuffed inside one of the suits, I don’t think it’s true. Every animatronic has a second row of teeth because the endoskeletons inside the suits have their own sets of teeth. I’m not saying Phone Guy isn’t in Chica, but I’m saying that the second row of teeth should be thrown out as evidence. Another angle to this is that Chica makes groaning noises, but since Bonnie also makes these noises, most fans chalk it up to faulty speakerboxes.
Now let’s talk about Golden Freddy. Chances are, if you’ve only played a little bit of Five Nights at Freddy’s, you’ve never even seen Golden Freddy, but he is real, and his suit is home to one of the most compelling explanations to Phone Guy’s death. Now, level with me here for a second and imagine that you’ve been stuffed inside of a suit and you’re dead as a bag of hammers. Being dead, would you really be capable of moving around or popping out to scare people? No way! You’d be slumped over and completely stationary. You know, like a dead guy.
Also like Golden Freddy.
Golden Freddy is never seen moving, his endoskeleton isn’t visible in any way, and he has no mechanical eyes. When he attacks, he doesn’t really attack, per se. His face simply fills the screen and your game crashes. This is definitely the most compelling theory, but it still leaves a few questions in mind. How does Golden Freddy get into your room? Why does his presence crash the game? Maybe we’ll find out in the planned sequel! So far, we don’t know anything about its name beyond it being Five Nights at Freddy’s 2.
Now let’s debunk some rumors before we wrap things up. I’m going to go ahead and say that nobody is stuffed inside Chica or any of the other main animatronics. Foxy clearly has exposed endoskeleton, and as for the rest, just look at this picture.
You can clearly see the endoskeletons in each of them. While we’re at it, Sparky isn’t in the games files, he was made up by Tumblr. Inputting specific numbers into Custom Night also doesn’t yield any special endings or other unexpected results, excluding 1/9/8/7 mode where you are immediately killed by Golden Freddy.
It may not have been crowdfunded, but we just couldn’t resist taking a look at this iconic game. You can check it out for yourself on several popular YouTube channels including Pewdiepie and Markiplier or buy it for yourself on Steam for just $4.99.
Have your own theory? Any new evidence to support existing ones? Give this a comment, follow us up on the socials, and let us know!
Five Nights at Freddy’s is our September 2014 “Not Crowdfunded, But…” title. For more Five Nights at Freddy’s content head over here.
The phone guy states that the animatronics may think you’re a endoskeleton without a suit, and they don’t like that. They won’t stuff an endoskeleton into you.
but he also says that you cant just sit still as they will think your one of the suits without an endoskeleton inside so they will put one inside.
Did anyone else experience the brown bear with the lets eat bib on the first night? I don’t even see that as one of the animatronics in this game. I saw him at the desk in the room just as my camera screens were going down – looking straight at me. I thought I was going to die, but then the room blacked out for a sec and he vanished, and the game continued WITHOUT me getting killed. Was this just a glitch? Because it was freaky and I haven’t heard anyone else mention it. It happened about 1am.
BTW. only saw it that one time. no recurrence since.
I know what happened with the phone guy. All i can say is, either gf or cc
There is just one thing ild like to point out. you know that last call you get? the really weird one? if you play it in reverse and listin carefully, its the first msg you get. meaning perhaps the phone guy is just a recording?
I have a theory that I’ve seen only once, and I find it to be quite convincing. We all know that there are 5 animatronics, Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, and Golden Freddy. We all know them. But what if there was a 6th animatronic? One that is way different than all the rest? You. You are the 6th animatronic. A new security bot put in to stop all the other haywire robots. Think about it. You can’t get up. A security bot wouldn’t need to get up. The power drains even if you aren’t using the monitor or doors. A security bot would drain power, wouldn’t it? Also, if any of the main 4 see a shiny new security bot sitting there, they’d think it would make a great animatronic! One last thing. When you die, the light doesn’t fade out, no, it turns to static feed. A human wouldn’t see static feed! If you come up with anything to disprove this theory or anything, leave a comment.
Well that is nice and cool, i can disprove of that. 1 power still drains because there are lights on around the pizzaria. And your room. 2. When you fail, you will see your character (Mike) stuffed into a suit, with his eyes dangling out of the sockets if the suit.
But, that was a pretty cool theory that might be able to lead to something else.
I have a theory. So we know you were hired to watch the animatronics and some guy(mainly called phone guy) gives you hints and tips to what the animatronics do to you. We also know about the bite of 1987 and 5 children being murdered and what not. So I believe that they weren’t murdered or kidnapped but actually hired. They were hired by an enemy business of Freddy Fazbears to disrupt business of Freddy Fazbears. The little girl that got bit of the 1987 also was hired. As for the man that “kidnapped” the 5 children he was an employee at both the enemy business and Freddy Fazbears but got paid more at the enemy business so took there side. His job was to put on a costume, sneak the children in to the back and they went out back exit back to the enemy business which parents own/work for. As for the girl that got bit another employee working both jobs “bit” her while he was in a costume. The whole plan of this was to try to get rid of Freddy Fazbears. That is my theory, you can add to it or tell me why you believe or don’t in my theory.
I’m still convinced that the children who were murdered were stuffed in the suits at one time, but may have been found by the staff. The bodies are obviously no longer in the suits, but it may be possible they were disposed off by the shady management with hopes of just pushing the whole incident under the rug. Seems likely given the companies shady acts and policies.
I Have a Theory on How Phone Guy Died
1: Foxy was Banging on the Left Door
2: He Then Look at hes Camera, Switching to Different Rooms than He Looked at Freddy While hes in the Kitchen
3: The Groan Was Chica While he is looking at the camera, he then put down the camera than Chica Screeched, KILLING HIM
The game is very challenging and its a great scare night is my favorite because some players think that the only threat is Bonnie and Chica but really its foxy the players get so overwhelmed with watching out for those two and Freddy they forget about the warning the Phone guy says other the pirate…the moment he sprints towards the office you only have 10 sec or less to react and close the door…
Did any one else notice that Chica holds the cup cake that appears in your office. My friend and I think that it is like a weird kind of spy camera. But where does the cup cake go when he starts moving…
Lol like the theorie (Chica the one holding the cupcake is a girl) but the cupcake is kinda scary i agree with you sophia
I never played this, but i did read up on it. And here is my 2 cents
Fitst off, the animatronics don’t look right as in they do not look like animatronics. secondly If you read/see the clipping of the 5 children and the rest being the animatronics having blood/mucus coming from their eyes and smelling bad.
It doesn’t take much to consider this tail
Freddies was just starting out you had a guy in a suite bring in business. They needed something, the guy lures in 5 children kills them and stuff their bodies into the suits which reanimate their corpses. (ak robot zombie) evidence of this the look of the characters. in no way does a robotic character have 2 sets of teeth (look up old disney theme park making of footage or making of muppets)
More evidence of this is one of the robots bit the head (getting the frontal lobe) of a customer. This would indicate some free will as all animatronics are programed or remote controled.
The thing about entering free mode due to its “survos” being locked up (next post)
sounds more like a play on words (as to not scare you due to the contraversy) that the suits need to be on at all times to prevent rigamortis to set in (your body locks up and starts to decompose). And this free-mode is their uncollored zombie mode (hence why they no longer run in free mode in the day) if yiu really look at the designs of the characters, the way the they are built looks off. The eyes look more like eyes peeking outa a mask vs a robots eyes. The characters look cartoony but the eyes look oddly humen. And tbh they look like a disney form of zombies.
I would like to tell you guys a little string of theories I put together there was one I read that said foxy mights be trying to help you which is why he runs up to you and doesent tackle you he just screams at you and you die because you get a heart attack another one I read told the whole series of events that occured I mainly cared about the part that said the pizzeria added foxy to entertain the kids before freddy came on stage and another I read said that in one of the phone calls from the real game said that one of the animatronics bit one of the kids and someone said that it was golden freddy so they took out golden freddy and put his AI into foxy but the got rid of his talking ability so he woudlent tell kids about the bite.Heres wheres I put it together I think that since freddy ,bonnie ,and chica only come up only once or twice a day foxy gets the most attention so he began to love people thats why he doesent have an intent on killing you and he checks up on you everyonce and a while to make sure you’re ok and when golden freddy bit someone it broke his jaw which is why foxy’s jaw hangs down like golden freddy also there was this one guy who commented but in five nights at freddys 2 foxy jumps at you rather than scream at you (I forgot to mention another theory said when foxy screams at you in fnaf 2 he might be saying “freedom”)I think that foxy is trying to grab you and is telling you to get out to freedom like it said in the fnaf2 trailer the phone guy says”If you’re hearing this youve probably made a pretty poor career choice”So thats my theory I have more theories but this one took me longer to tie together
Perhaps the phone guy was in golden freddy? (Of course, this is somewhat debunked by the hallucination theorie) they had shoved him in the suit, and he is still alive. When he gets in the office to seek help from the player, he dies. You are so distracted by this that someone sneaks in to kill you. This explains why the night after phone guy is killed, you hear golden freddy noises. It also explains why a costume with no animatronics would make it to your office.
I have a theory in which Foxy hates the other animatronics because when they were still good they made fun of him(or treated him poorly) because of the ‘bite’ incident and then replaced him of his job, thus causing Foxy to go crazy because he loved the kids and inflicted self-injuries. He still wants to kill you, but without being seen. This might also explain Foxy turning around because he sees Bonnie up ahead in the hall.
When golden Freddy appears it says “it’s me while his face fills your screen. I think that phone guy is trying to tell us that he is alive and hideing out in the suit or that it is him
I agree that makes A LOT of since…btw ive never played it so i was wondering does golden freddy appear after phone guy dies or csn it happen in the middle of the game?
Phone guy said “if you can’t find something or someone check your door light
I have gotten this theory about a 6th animatronic named SPARKY he is a dog and he was shut down because he was being TOO VIOLENT with humans and draining lots of power and and my resource for that statement is when i googled freddy faz bears pizzeria there waas text messages saying “what happened to sparky the dog” and the manager responded “sparky was playing too rough so we decided that we should shut him down for a while for a time out”. And THE BITE OF 87 is about a little girl named Emma she was 8 ans she was at Freddy Fazz Bears Pizza for her friends party and she was there for the arcade games because she didn’t like the pizza and she was talking to a parent and she said “I smell a nasty odre coming from Fo” she never finished her sentence she would of finished by the word Foxy and she didnt get to finish because foxy ran off stage and bit the front lobe of her head and she is still alive to this day but has brain damage and memory loss.
Sparky was made on tumblr
Sparky is fake.
BUT that is indeed the back room, and an animatronic endoskeleton wouldn’t be out of place there. The animatronics might have room recognition, to know what room they are in. So if Mike was in the backroom, then their initial programming would have left you to live… but the kid’s spirits possessing the things might still get you tho.
I think the reason Foxy Is hiding in “pirate cove” is because if u look at him closely, he shows some of his exoskeleton is out (mostly on the legs) and maybe the rest of the animatronics think he’s an exoskeleton. Since it,s against the rules they would maybe try to stuff him in a suite. So he would just charge at the left door and then run back to prevent the others to attack him. My next supporting detail would be that “the bit of 87 was maybe caused by Foxy (because of broken/ dangly jaw and the “out of order” sign). The animatronics would try to kill him for revenge of them not moving at day. But those are just theory’s, so they’re not 100% true
I watched this youtube video all about the the theories of Five Nights at Freddy’s. According to the video Five Nights at Freddy’s is linked to a 1993 incident in a Chuck E’ Cheese place in California. THIS IS TRUE: A former worker of the Chuck E’ Cheese was fired for disagreement of hours. One day he stayed after hours hiding in the bathroom. At a certain point he left the bathroom killing 5 and yes FIVE other workers in the restaurant THE ONLY ONE THAT SURVIVED WAS THE PERSON IN THE KITCHEN. Providing information of why the camera in the kitchen is audio only. Some people think you are the robber from 1993 and you are metaphorically in Chuck E’ Cheese but in Five Nights at Freddy’s in the game. Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, and Foxy are the 4 people in 1993 that were killed and are haunting you. Golden Freddy is taunting you because he is only one that survived and that’s why he can go through doors and says IT”S ME when attacking, also that says that golden freddy might be hiding in the kitchen since their is no visual camera there. That is what I heard. What to see the video? Link Below:
I got one you know theres only six bots freddy chica bonnie foxy and pirate foxy and golden freddy but theres another one theres a blue one and a bot that looks like a bird u can see them in the kitchen i think
There are only 5 “bots” Foxy, Freddy, Golden Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica. Pirate Foxy and Foxy are one character. Foxy is a pirate! DUH!
this guy has a theory too, also some cool facts
I know that the 5 animitronics are the 5 kids soals that were killed by the phone guy just go on youtube and look at the theorys.
My theory is that phone guy is the killer! The animatronics are after you because they hear phone guy! Think about it, phone guy refers the employees as them or they so he is like an outsider that stalked employees, so he could know about the restaurant. During his job interview he told everything about restaurant got the job, took the GF suit dumped the endoskeleton in the gift box (marionettes box) so that explains the Easter egg and during the mini games one of the killer is holding a phone and has a badge (yes there are two killers) and if you are having the save them mini game at the end, if you got chased by phone guy the screen will turn blue instead if red and at the bottom there is you can’t meaning even if he was arrested there is still another killer in the loose or he messed with the animatronics and you are probably screwed
The Mike Schmidt one makes since, but he is hallucinating and since he was bit he thinks all the animatronics will attack him which is why foxy doesn’t lunge at you, because he realizes it’s you after you “die” of a heart attack.
que desgraça e essa?
O meu ñ tava no Newest
That is cool but I’m still trying to figure out why strange things happened when I got jumpscared by marionette in fnaf 2. I got jumpscared and then it put me into a minigame and I was controlling golden freddy or freddy. It was really strange because they weren’t in the pizzeria. After that, I played fnaf 2 and instantly I got the random picture of Vincent trying to pull the springtrap head off. And also, the whole time, my phone made this sort of static noise. This is really scaring me even though I love fnaf. If someone can explain this than thank you. I am here because I was trying to figure out why that happened.
I ment to say after that, I played fnaf 3
I have a theory that the phone guy is in spring trap if you look at spring traps head on the right hand corner you’ll see an opening and you’ll also see something pinkish greenish color that is a brain now i’m not saying that spring trap killed him i’m just saying that the phone guy is in spring trap i also have a feeling that the phone guy planed his death as you can tell if the animatronics wanted to kill him the would’ve done it right away so i also believe the phone guy is purple man because the purple man killed kids and mike took his job the purple man is probley trying to scare him and then kill him
Shit, that could be true.
someone there told me.
says “Freddy did not kill the kids.The Bad man was Purple Guy. he Killed them Purple Guy Was mean hates kids, Robots, Guard, People. So he Killed Kids and Destroyed Robots Vincent Was the man…he wanted to kill these five kids So he went to the kitchen and got big knives. he tries copying Freddy as SpringBonnie. he fooled the kids with cake and killed them. people Blamed the robots, but the Real Person Who did it was SpringBonnie/Vincent. please don’t Blame Freddy the purple Guy did it.”
People thinks you did it. (not true!) Robotics did not killed all kids..Dead.
1. Vincent.. bad man yes did it. mean “hated people, Kids, Guard and Robotics”
2. i know why Marionette trying teach all them Robotics how to hunt jumpscares, kills People, Kids, Guard. die. did you see that why Because Marionette near Freddy’s face?.. mean it’s teach. he wants Robotics go and kills People, Kids Guard. someone trying told all them Robotics.
3. Freddy did not killed all Five kids dead. Frebear did not killed all five kids. Foxy did not killed kid. SpringBonnie did not killed all five kids dead. I KNOW YOU ROBOTICS DID NOT KILLED KIDS. I KNOW.
Hola yo creo que este documento es mentira todo