We all know the story of the RMS Titanic. It was the largest, most luxurious ship which finally began its maiden voyage only to meet with disaster in 1912. This moment in history has been the subject of books, films, and even games. However, no media thus far has attempted to recreate the ship in as authentic a manner as is possible. Well, that was the case until developer Four Funnels Entertainment decided to do exactly that. In 2013, they raised a little over $20,000 to fund the next stage of Titanic: Honor and Glory and used that money to create 3D models for large chunks of the ship. Unfortunately, it was impossible to stretch those funds to cover everything.


As such, the team is back on IndieGogo to get the next push they need. This phase is far pricier at $250,000, but that’s to pay for compensating all their staff – from 3D creators to esteemed Titanic historians, as well as instigate further research. So, the game sounds like a Titanic scholar’s dream but why should general gamers be interested? Along with a free-roam mode there will also be a story mode. This is planned to be the only fictive element Titanic: Honor and Glory which focuses on a young man who was wrongly accused of a crime. He spies the true criminal boarding the Titanic and follows in pursuit.


If you think this sounds cool then it might be worth helping the team toward their funding goal. Please note that this is a flexible funding campaign which means all funds will be withdrawn once the funding period closes whether or not Titanic: Honor and Glory achieves its goal.

About the Author

Marcus Estrada

Marcus is a fellow with a love for video games, horror, and Japanese food. When he’s not writing about games for a multitude of sites, he’s usually still playing one. Writing about video games is something he hopes to continue doing for many years to come.

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