The three day streaming event for the card game and strategy game hybrid Labyrinth has come and gone and while I didn’t stream it I was given a key nonetheless. And with Free Range Games’ blessing I wanted to show off what has been done with the game since I wrote about the demo during the late 2015 Kickstarter. While the gameplay is essentially the same there have been quite a few additions to showcase. Including more playable heroes and more villains to fight. And if the screenshots don’t have you salivating for the final release check out my Let’s Play video at the end of this article.
So, what exactly has changed since I last wrote about Labyrinth? Well, for starters you can finally go into the deck builder and look at what cards you have available for each of the four current heroes. That’s right, four. In addition to the three we’ve seen before we also have access to a Pyromancer, a fire mage for those that don’t know. Also, along with the fire elemental dude I was able to play against a Minotaur looking beast and what I can only assume as an undead warrior. The screenshots showcase the latter while the video shows off the former.
While there’s a lot of functionality planned and you can see options grayed out in the video, all you can do right now is look at your decks, select the three heroes to bring with you, and start a match. The best part about this build is that you’re not limited to just the single match. With the final build of Labyrinth you’ll be fighting in several “rings”, one round after another. Despite losing utterly in the first round in the video I almost managed to take all three matches the second time around. I just barely lost in the final round. That said, I continue to enjoy everything that I see with each iteration.
I won’t reiterate the gameplay in the current build. The video goes pretty in-depth of that and I already covered it in my look at the demo. Little has changed there. All of my matches during the pre-alpha event has been with the same three heroes. I didn’t bother trying out the Pyromancer, mostly because I’m not much of a fan of using spellcasters. But that’s just personal preference. And I’m a believer in always bringing the “holy trinity” of tank, dps, and healer along with me. And I prefered the stabby-stabby type. Your mileage may vary.
Anyway, the latest build shown off is looking great and I really liked finally seeing the deck builder in action. I can’t wait to see what the other functionality they come out with in the full alpha build that backers will be getting in about a month’s time. Being a huge fan of card games, Labyrinth has been one so far that I just can’t seem to get enough of. Which means those that love a good CCG will probably find themselves addicted to the style being offered here.