However I may feel towards AJ Tilley and some of his antics I will give him points for actually finishing and releasing his games in some shape or form. While there are still plenty of outstanding titles a few have seen the light of day. And even with issues surrounding getting Beach Bounce finished I’m glad to see that it has been finished and the “remastered edition” has finally been released in full.
For those that don’t know, there were some problems with the writer for Beach Bounce leaving it only 2/3 finished. Not wanting to leave it as it was and just shelving the game after moving everything over in-house to the new Dharker Studios brand they went ahead and reworked the script and finished off the assets to give us a finalized version of the game. According to the update, that date is now and those who already bought it can download the update and play now.
I’m honestly interested in seeing how the newly finished product fares against the first two parts that I had already played through.
A re write will of course cause some people annoyance especially those that were fans of the original writers work however that’s a given after having someone else work on it from scratch. It also went out rather quick to keep those that were already delayed their full game happy. But of course as I said this won’t be for everyone. With a few critics from before at least commending an improvement though non have yet to sit it through again.
I’ll withhold my own judgment until after I play through at least one ending myself. I do plan on doing a comparison piece once I do of course, trying to be as unbiased ad possible.
I finally grabbed a copy on Indiegala! 3$ for highschool possession, Tokyo..and this (i really wanted to know how awful it is..i am a Fan of Z movies in general).
I did not have yet the time to play this gem! (right now..i am too much into the last tombraider to play anything else..). But i’ve read the reviews and…!
It seems in general most people prefer the older version. It seems the writing made some sense altogether..and now it seems like each stories are stand-alone stories with no connection to each others. The background of characters seems a bit deeper though.
I’m particularly interested in trying out the crossdressing one. I tried to get a review copy but I’m thinking AJ Tilley’s had it with me for some reason.
Why would he? You’re so kind and lovable
I believe I have a key or two left over for review purposes I’l send one to Greg so he can perhaps forward it to you. I tried previously to get in contact about it but didn’t get any response at the the time.
I got the key from him. I look forward to playing it and reviewing it.
It seems like AJTilley is using money from his “Army Gals” KS to fund *three* other games.
After the Voice acting was funded there were no additional stretch type goals so extra funding just went into other titles. This campaign was less about making each title go beyond initial scope with funding. A lot of projects add goals that just double production time or are not always available on release and going beyond the initial planned scope can just cause issues you might not see coming initially.