Teku Studios has endured their fair share of setbacks on the road to completing their Kickstarter project, Candle. When the campaign launched, back in 2013, it managed to raise $52,359 of its $40,000 funding goal. The dynamic, hand-painted visuals caught the eye of 1,653 backers who wanted to see Candle brought to life. Now, over three years later they have just one more difficulty to work past.
The developers teamed with Daedalic Entertainment earlier this year to help publish their game. Unfortunately, this also lead to quite a few delays with little communication or explanation to backers. In May, backers where told that Candle was finished, but wouldn’t be released until July. This was due to Daedalic wanting a simultaneous release for PC, Mac, and Linux in both digital and physical formats.
After this release window had passed, Teku posted an update on August 18th. In it they explained that it was taking longer than expected to complete certain certification processes. Once these were completed Daedalic would be able to begin production of the physical copies of the game and a final release date would be shared.
The End In Sight
It wasn’t until October 13th that the update finally arrived. Candle’s release date is set for November 11th and has been a long time coming. Still, there is one final hurdle, both for Teku and their backers. The distribution of game keys.
Initially the developers had planned to partner with Humble Bundle to distribute digital copies to backers. The idea was to provide a link where backers could choose their desired version of the game (Steam, GOG or fully DRM-Free, for PC, Mac or Linux). Due to some “technical difficulty” the links wouldn’t arrive until after the game had released to the public.
Hoping to avoid upsetting anyone, Teku and Daedalic have decided instead to email Steam keys to all backers who pledged at the appropriate tier. Anyone who prefers to receive a GOG key can reply to the email and have their activation switched over. Digital rewards will also be sent out with the Humble links while physical rewards are expected to begin shipping next week.
It’s been a long road to get here, but Candle looks stunning. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on out.
[Update: These guys really can’t catch a break.]