Developer, Studio Fawn has been battling the odds to create their fantasy adventure RPG, Bloom: Memories since 2012. Dani Landers launched the first Kickstarter for Bloom when the project was little more than an idea set against concept art. Over time, this idea has grown and was ultimately successfully funded for $61,517 after its third Kickstarter attempt.
Now, Studio Fawn is finally preparing to release their Bloom: Memories prologue demo. This is their chance to finally show what they’ve been up to all these years. To help draw attention to the upcoming demo and their newly launched Patreon, the team has released a fairly epic video detailing their journey so far.
Insert Orlando Bloom Pun Here
With a tiny bit of editing and totally relevant clips from Lord of the Rings, Studio Fawn recalls the struggles of their past, and their hope for the future. It’s easy to view a failed Kickstarter campaign as the death of a project, but for the team behind Bloom: Memories, it was only the beginning.