On a massive spaceship, floating through space, our character awakens from a cryogenic sleep very confused about what’s going on with the state of humanity. For 400 years, this ship has been roaming through space, in search of a new planet to inhabit with many individuals frozen during the wait. InSomnia is an RPG of the Dieselpunk variety taking place on a space station like no other.
Welcome to the future, friends.
For three years, Studio MONO has been working on InSomnia in their spare time. InSomnia can be played in multiple ways, both in single player and co-op with roughly 15-20 hours for the main storyline and over 20 hours of side mission material. But that’s only in the first “year”, or section.
Studio MONO has big plans about InSomnia’s release and it’s exciting.
Many studios will release a game and maybe one or two DLCs but what if the entirety of the game were divided in chapters, separated in the storyline as years or years, and each chapter were released for free, consisting of roughly 6 hours of gameplay? On top of that, imagine 20+ of these chapters!
In InSomnia, you design your character as you wish and figure out ways to survive in the strange conditions. Play the game as you want to without following a linear path. Do as you’d like on this ginormous space station and fight off any enemies that head your way. The future rests in your hands.
Studio MONO is asking for $70K on Kickstarter by July 24th and almost $11K has been raised so far in the first couple of days. With funding, we can expect InSomnia to be released on PC (and if stretch goals are met, Mac and Linux) by late 2015.
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