It looks like the drama of the Confederate Express and Knuckle Club Kickstarters is continuing. Maksym Pashanin, the man behind the spritetastic strategy game Confederate Express, as well as being confusingly involved with 2D beat-em-up Knuckle Club, is involved in some even less savory behavior. In an article on reporter Samantha Cortese names Pashanin as one of two individuals involved in an ongoing bit of Airbnb squatter drama. As victim Cory Tschogl tells it, Pashanin and his brother rented a California property via Airbnb from her for 30+ days. What happened next is neither surprising or illegal; Tschogl states that Pashanin refused to leave citing his rights as a tenant. Since he was in the property for more than 30 days Pashanin became a resident; and with that comes a whole world of legal wrangling that the property owner needs to follow in order to get her property back. You can read the rest of the disturbing story right here in Samatha’s article.
We’ve reached out to Maksym to confirm or deny the whole sordid tale through the same channels we’ve used to interview him twice in the past and will update this story once we’ve heard back from him.
In the mean time, be careful what projects you back, how much you donate, and who you allow into your home.
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[…] What’s your opinion of the Maksym Pashanin situation? […]
[…] a ton of information, an in-depth video, and plenty of images to get you out of the funk that some other campaigns may have put you […]