That’s right, we’re heading to the ‘tip jar’ crowdfunding platform in the next couple months and we’d love to hear your feedback. Whether it’s concerning Cliqist and the articles we post, the pledge tiers and rewards you’d like to see, or what you feel some of the milestones should include; we’d like to hear it all.
Keep in mind, the team and I have no intention of putting up a pay wall for content regardless of how well or poorly the Patreon does. Content will still be free of charge without any ads mucking things up. However, we’d like to incentivize and reward backers. This could include things like custom campaign notifications, behind-the-scenes info, the ability to choose what we write more about, access to unpublished articles, and so on.
Why are we doing a Patreon? Are we on the verge of going under and hope that someone will save us? Far from it! In fact, our traffic continues to climb, and we’ve got some great plans for the future. However, we’d really like to continue Cliqist’s growth by adding new features that benefit everyone, especially those as obsessed with crowdfunding as we are.
If you have a moment please comment below, or send an email directly to me at, with questions, suggestions, and demands. All feedback is much appreciated.
Thanks, and have a great day!
– Greg
I guess, it’s time for me to create a patreon account.
Yeah might as well it seems everyone has one by now, however with so many content creators out there, best to be careful and not stretch oneself to thin with commitments.
I just wish Patreon had a better browse or discovery process. As it stands now you really have to know who to back, or notice one of the featured campaigns. Makes it difficult to strategize who you want to support and for how much so you don’t go over budget.
That’s an excellent point. It’s easy to make promises, but we need to ensure we follow through on our commitments!
We definitely appreciate your consideration!
I really hope you will find our upcoming Patreon to your liking! If you have any comments about what you would like to see (or, think would be terrible if we did it) feel free to share those thoughts either now or once the campaign eventually goes live.
You can’t have too many crowdfunding accounts. Just sayin’.
Hmm…well my advice would be to offer monthly, quarterly, and yearly Google Hangout for you folks to host. It will help you find things to offer in the lower tiers, provide community feedback, and create content for the Youtube page.
P.S. You should consider starting a weekly crowdfunding podcast, not necessarily for the patreon, but just in general.
Great suggestions! We’ve talked about the podcast quite a bit but are just trying to find the right magic to get it off the ground. We’re a shy group
The Google Hangout is a really interesting thought as well! Amanda mentioned doing one for team meetings, but I think expanding that to the community could be really cool as well.
Speak for yourself. I’ve been on several podcasts already. I’m certainly not the shy type. I do love the idea of possibly doing one and it would be a great way to supplement the written articles, too. The Google Hangout is also a good idea.
I was on a couple like 10 years ago, so uhhhh, it’s been a while! hehe
These are some awesome suggestions! Do you follow/back any other Patreons? If so, I’m just curious to hear which ones you think do crowdfunding “right” so we can learn from them.
I don’t back enough of them to have a solid opinion, it seems most content creators have hit or misses when it comes to there pledges. My advice is just to offer something you think is reasonable for what your asking people to commit too!
My experience has been the same. It seems like most Patreons get backed as a way to show support, and not so much as a way to get cool stuff. The exception of course being the content creator ones like artists and such that have the pledges work on the ‘per work’ schedule.