Here’s an interesting one. Quern – Undying Thoughts, the Myst-inspired first-person puzzler successfully funded through Kickstarter, has posted an update to its backers. The update, which you can read in full here, apologizes for the recent lack of communication between the game’s developers and its community. The silence, as is often the case, has been the result of hard work on the game itself, which now hits the intended average playtime of 12-14 hours.

The team, however, have decided to expand the game’s length further in order to let the narrative breathe. Bigger doesn’t necessarily equate to better, but from the sound of things, Zadbox Entertainment have a perfectly compelling reason for expanding the game.

The update also includes some gameplay footage, and here’s where things take a bit of a strange turn, because the game looks very…gray…with a selectively-colored artstyle. I didn’t pick up on that aesthetic from the game’s initial reveal, but fair enough. The game’s backers don’t seem to be bothered by it. Still, the saturation seems to have been toned way down since Quern‘s first trailer. I’ve included both in this article for comparison, with the old footage above and the new footage below. What do you think?

For more on Quern, check out the game’s official Kickstarter page, and stay tuned to Cliqist for future updates.

About the Author

Gary Alexander Stott

Gary Alexander Stott is a handsome young writer from Scotland absolutely brimming with talent, who feels his best feature is his modesty. When it comes to overthinking narrative and storytelling in games, his otherwise useless degree in English with Creative Writing comes in very handy indeed.

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