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0 44
Abel G.C.
2 Min Read

After Unavowed the main question was “where does Wadjet Eye go from here?” And the answer was an unexpected “to Kickstarter.” Not just that, to Kickstarter with a vampire RPG! Welcome to the world of Nighthawks, a collaboration between Wadjet Eye and Richard Cobbett. Nighthawks…

0 96
Mitchell Long
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]echnobabylon belongs to the breed of dystopian, cyberpunk, retro awesomeness. It’s part of a lovely renaissance, where classic titles are revived directly, or in the form of spiritual successors. While Technobabylon stands alone, it’s definitely reminiscent of several classics. I highly enjoyed playing Wadjet…

1 56
Serena Nelson
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]D[/dropcap]ave Gilbert’s Wadjet Eye Games is well known for its point-and-click adventure games that use Adventure Game Studios (AGS) and they just recently released their latest title. Technobabylon is a Cyberpunk adventure developed by Technocrat Games set in the not-too-distant future in a fictitious…

3 26
Greg Micek
1 Min Read

We here at Cliqist love crowdfunded games, but we are gamers just like you guys, and that means we play, well, everything. The “Not Crowdfunded, But…” series will be a regular dose of non-crowdfunded magic from us to you, covering everything from the latest Gears of…