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0 18
Ahmad Khan
4 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]W[/dropcap]hat do you think when you read the following sentence about the game Moonman: In a strange, nocturnal world a moonman is summoned by an ancient mollusc. It sends him to the farthest corners of the land to search for fallen moon fragments…. Does that made sense…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

Imagine going on a trip; perhaps it’s for business or even for leisure, but you’re in a hotel, nice ‘n’ comfy, when a biological catastrophe strikes. All alone in the penthouse and somehow, you miraculously survived. Life should be good, but it’s not. Oh, far from it….

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Nathaniel Liles
1 Min Read

You know, it never really occurred to me until just now how well RTS and hexagons fit together. I mean, in a way top-down tower defense games are just RTS on a grid, but Hextraction, a new RTS title being developed by ComboMash, goes much…

0 15
Greg Micek
2 Min Read

A pair of industry vets has started a Kickstarter campaign for the unusually titled Dragon Fin Soup; a roguelike inspired turn based tactical RPG.  Shockingly enough they’re bucking the current trend of ultra pixellated graphics in favor of something a bit more modern, but don’t…

1 12
Greg Micek
3 Min Read

Kilobite’s Maksym Pashanin recently took some time to answer a few quick questions for us.  Who exactly is Maksym Pashanin?  He’s one of the guys behind the very promising isometric zombie rpg/shooter Confederate Express.  As we’ve covered previously Confederate Express seems to be separating itself from…

0 18
Greg Micek
1 Min Read

Last zombie post of the day, promise! This one comes courtesy of Undeadz, a top down zombie shooter that just hit Kickstarter.  This pixilated open world game promises lots of freedom; including the ability to enter buildings, a ton of environmental interactivity, vehicles, and customization…

0 11
Greg Micek
1 Min Read

When you absolutely, positively have to kill zombies while delivering packages, there’s Confederate Express.  This old-school Syndicate looking RPG shooter tasks players with delivering packages while avoiding zombies, rebels, robots, and authorities.  The Way The World Works, unfortunately, is that sometimes a lowly deliveryman must…