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Josh Griffiths

April Fools is a time to gather all your friends together and lie to them. Or maybe…

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Gary Alexander Stott

Fringe Theory, the first game from LionRoar Studios, launched the other day on Kickstarter and it’s an ambitious-looking…

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Joanna Mueller

Rather than wow with gameplay, visual novels strive to let players have a quiet moment to live…

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Gary Alexander Stott

‘Since before the beginning of time, a nameless Castle has been jumping through dimensions, ravishing whole worlds…

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Gary Alexander Stott

Critical Hits: An Indie Gaming Anthology was recently brought to my attention by a fellow English literature…

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Gary Alexander Stott

Wrack: Starfall is one pretty-looking game. The project’s cel-shaded art style is hardly original, but it sure…

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Georgi Trenev

After a rather thorough preparation stage and being in development ever since its inception as a Ludum Dare jam entry,…

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Gary Alexander Stott

Eco-warriors, unite! Fire With Fire, the online tower defense game with an environmentally-aware twist is coming to…

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Josh Griffiths

RPGolf stood out to me on Indiegogo because of the high amount of money it received, over…

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Josh Griffiths

The developers weren’t kidding when they said they were inspired by the Gameboy, that’s for sure. In…

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Josh Griffiths

Antinomy is one of the more interesting Kickstarter campaigns in a long time. It’s incredibly ambitious, it…

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Josh Griffiths

As Serena admitted to not liking miniature battle games last week, I too must admit tabletop gaming…

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Josh Griffiths

Moira is a 2D platformer that combines Mario, specifically Super Mario Bros. 3, and Mega Man at…

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Georgi Trenev

Bullet dodging? Check. Pixelated blood? Check. Classic 90s VHS static? Check. Oh, let’s also add Devolver Digital to the list, since…

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Josh Griffiths

On this week’s Crowdfunding Analysis Time (still a great name), we take a look at Lab Zero’s…

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Joanna Mueller

Studio MONO has been hard at work polishing up their dieselpunk RPG InSomnia, but it looks like…