It’s time for some conspiracy theories, friends. Many have speculated on the truth about the Bermuda Triangle through the years and the facts cannot be ignored. The numbers are stacking up – people have actually disappeared in this location, there’s reports of strange lights, equipment going haywire, and even stretch as far to suggest that pilots met complete silence, or better yet, a removal of sound all together briefly. They’ve been passed off as myths for so long but in Bermuda, these myths are taken to heart and established as a reality.
The main character in Bermuda, Edward, and his friends are a very curious bunch and plan to get to the bottom of this mystery – all within a six episode visual novel. When a camping trip goes awry and this bunch gets abducted into a strange, alien submarine of some sort, they must work together to either put their trust in their alien kidnappers or search for a different way out? It’s all a matter of balancing trust and deceit to figure out the right route to go to save him and his friends.
Invert Mouse aims to make the game fully voiced and to in total last about two hours. Aside from VN decision making and dialogue, there will be intermissions of platformer style gameplay for stealth missions. For Bermuda, Invert Mouse is only asking for $2,000 AUD to fund the remainder of the artwork along with professional voice acting to finalize the game then put out a trailer later on. At the moment, they’re trying to get Bermuda Greenlit on Steam as well. If stretch goals are met, we can expect to see more story material, a short digi-comic, and an artbook.
Bermuda’s Kickstarter campaign will end on June 28th.
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