We haven’t heard much from the You Are Not The Hero Kickstarter of late. The last update was in October and was one of the few sporadic updates backers have received. The developer has come forward and basically admitted that he hasn’t been working as hard as he could have and that he’s been letting things slip. Originally, You Are Not The Hero was planned to be released in September of 2014 so it has been quite a delay.

You Are Not The Hero

A game where you play from the unique perspective of a bystander in an RPG.

However, with the dawn of a new year, the developer has set a harsh deadline for himself to have You Are Not The Hero released by April of this year. I for one, find this to be a very bad idea despite how much I like the enthusiasm. You see, on the Kickstarter page, the developer has released a little timetable of what he plans to do over the coming months in order to complete the game. That is perfectly fine, but the time allotted to debugging is only in April among other things. I’m sure anyone who has had a stab at programming will know that debugging can be a long and tedious process and can take months.

Another thing that further alarmed is that after the game is released the developer plans to have a holiday. This means if there are any terrible bugs upon release they are not going to be fixed until he returns. Not only that but since he won’t be near a computer he won’t be able to to assure the people suffering from the bug. Again, as much as I admire his enthusiasm, I can’t help but feel he is doing You Are Not The Hero a giant disservice. A good start is half the battle and I can’t help, but feel this will not be a good start.

What are your thoughts and feelings? Am I simply being over critical and paranoid or do you think my concerns are fair? Don’t forget to comment below and share.

About the Author

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith is an English Teacher in Mianyang China with a passion for gaming. Stephanie is dedicated to Edutainment and wants to bring video games into the classroom and help other teachers do the same. She's a little too overly enthusiastic about collecting Steam badges and fairly grumpy if she doesn't get her daily dose of Markiplier and Game Grumps.

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