Racing Apex is a new arcade style game on Kickstarter with a modern twist. Reading over the page I was instantly reminded of one of my favourite driving games of all time, Motor Mayhem. Admittedly the game is quite different from that awesome PlayStation game, but they do have one thing in common, weapons. I love racing games with guns, I’m the git in Mario Kart throwing shells at people even though I’m in last place.

Racing Apex

Local and Online Multiplayer as well as a global leaderboard.

Now, Racing Apex still needs to be Greenlit and has a hefty goal of £35,000, but I do like the concept. It sports that retro-looking polygon style and has a variety of cars and drivers. The drivers have their own selection of cars they can drive which I thought was a cool detail. Each playable driver has a weight class which affects how you drive so you need to find the perfect driver and car combination for you. Racing games never seem to go out of style and it’s nice to see a little innovation in the genre. The cars take damage over the course of the race and are also fully modifiable so you can change the colours and the like. The cars can also be upgraded to be super fast or durable etc so you can really create a car that compliments your driving style.

Racing Apex

If nothing else the colours in this game are pretty vivid

I’m not actually someone who ever does much fiddling with cars in racing games. My strategy is usually, pick a car and stick with it until you are really good with that one. Same rules with Smash Bros. I actually think having all these customizations available will make it a lot more challenging. Also, all the different modes is a nice touch especially the multiplayer games like Cat and Mouse. If you like racing games and don’t mind the polygon style and load colours of Racing Apex then check out the Kickstarter Page.


What is your favourite driving game and on what system do you like to play them? What do you think are the essential mechanics of a racing game? Comment down below with your thoughts and feelings and if you like this piece give it a share.

Track the progress of the Racing Apex Kickstarter in our Campaign Calendar.

About the Author

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith is an English Teacher in Mianyang China with a passion for gaming. Stephanie is dedicated to Edutainment and wants to bring video games into the classroom and help other teachers do the same. She's a little too overly enthusiastic about collecting Steam badges and fairly grumpy if she doesn't get her daily dose of Markiplier and Game Grumps.

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