The last couple weeks have been tough over at the crowdfunding behemoth that is Kickstarter. Sure, some pretty solid projects have launched, but there’s also been a constant stream of people asking for cash so they can become the next YouTube or Twitch personality, or to replace their damaged game console. Basically it’s been slowly turning into IndieGogo. However, a project launched today that reminds me why I check for new campaigns several times a day; it’s called Woolfe – The Red Hood Diaries.
Woolfe, which isn’t a typoo, is a side scrolling action adventure featuring the classic fairy tale character Red Riding Hood. The game, which isn’t brought to us by American McGee, is the work of Belgian game studio GRiN; who have already received some funds from the Flemish Audiovisual Fund, but are looking for $50,000 from backers to add additional features, and improve the games’ overall quality.
At first glance it could be easy to write Woolfe off as just another side scrolling platformer; an ‘edgy’ retelling of a classic fairy tale. Haven’t we seen this several times before? Why bother? For starters it looks fantastic. Seriously, check out the gameplay footage and screenshots on the Kickstarter campaign page. In addition to looking great, the environments look varied and dynamic, and not just textured blocks.
Also worth mentioning is Woolfes’ protagonist Red. Sure, she might have that whole ‘riot grrrl’ feel to her, but the team at GRiN looks like they’re at least attempting to strike a balance between femininity and toughness. Red isn’t hyper sexualized in her appearance, doesn’t come across as overly dainty in her demeanor, nor does she appear to be just another male character in a female body. Nice.
Head over to Kickstarter and check out the Woolfe – The Red Hood Diaries campaign. There’s a ton of information, an in-depth video, and plenty of images to get you out of the funk that some other campaigns may have put you in.
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It’s nice to hear that another gaming console Woolfie has make his presence in kickstarter for raising funds for their new project. All the very best to woolfie team. And i just want to convey this message to the people who want to create a website for fundraising. Please check it out here for more details –
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