Early backers of Red Katana‘s turn-based strategy RPG Fallen: A2P Protocol are in for some good news. As a surprise thank you for their initial support (which helped the project raise $75,584 towards its development), the developer is gifting these players an additional copy of the game through Steam. Whether these individuals want to share the game with a friend or trade it with a fellow Steam user in return for another game is completely up to them.

Never heard of Fallen: A2P Protocol? Think it sounds interesting? Then there’s no reason to feel left out, as Red Katana have extended this deal up until the 12thof October, meaning anyone that buys the game on Steam will receive an additional copy to gift.

Fallen: A2P ProtocolIf you’d like to learn more about Fallen: A2P Protocol, there’s no shortage of information to be found between the game’s Kickstarter page, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and its official website. Developer Red Katana’s Twitter account can be found here.

About the Author

Gary Alexander Stott

Gary Alexander Stott is a handsome young writer from Scotland absolutely brimming with talent, who feels his best feature is his modesty. When it comes to overthinking narrative and storytelling in games, his otherwise useless degree in English with Creative Writing comes in very handy indeed.

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