Here’s the basic pitch for Indef: you play as a human in a side-scrolling, post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies, mutants and other hostile enemies. It doesn’t sound terribly original, but I can confirm that it does look pretty. Personally, I’m more interested in how an allegedly non-linear game will work on a horizontal 2D plane.

Indef‘s world will contain various characters and quests, so players should have plenty to busy themselves with. Stealth will apparently be a big element, as even single zombies will present a legitimate threat. To your life, that is. Not your relationship status. It’s the end of the world, come on. Serious business here.

IndefFishing, hunting, training, and building add further depth to the game, as well as an illness system that might force the player to go in search of rare medicine in order to cure their sniffles.

There’s a lot of potential, here, but with a relatively low $1,000 funding goal, I’m somewhat sceptical. For some reason or another, I’m finding it hard to actually imagine how this game will play. Maybe I just can’t get past the idea of exploration on a horizontal plane. Sure, Metroidvania titles have done it well in the past, but having to trudge through the same areas again and again doesn’t seem quite right for this project.

IndefI’m not convinced, but perhaps developer Pirozhok Studio can change my mind before Indef reaches its deadline in 27 days. If you’d like to check the project out, head over to its official Kickstarter page.

Track the progress of the Indef Kickstarter in our Campaign Calendar.

About the Author

Gary Alexander Stott

Gary Alexander Stott is a handsome young writer from Scotland absolutely brimming with talent, who feels his best feature is his modesty. When it comes to overthinking narrative and storytelling in games, his otherwise useless degree in English with Creative Writing comes in very handy indeed.

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