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Laguna Levine

24 Articles

Laguna Levine is the illegitimate son of famous explorer Toma Levine, disowned for forsaking the family tradition of moustaches to join Team Beards. That's fine though, since both are translated into the same word in Japan, Laguna's current home country.

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Laguna Levine
9 Min Read

Roger Ebert was certainly a respected movie critic, but even if you disagreed with his opinions, you have to admit that the man at least was well read, would engage with his audience and critics, could analyze his personal opinions and explain why and how he came…

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Laguna Levine
4 Min Read

I strongly hinted at this in my article about Undertale and including outsiders, Undertale performs so well because it engages its audiences. It’s not only trying to include outsiders topically, but it’s trying to include a broad audience and play with them, specifically by playing with their sense of self. Be…

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Laguna Levine
4 Min Read

I’ll admit that when I first heard of Undertale, I was intrigued. Pacifist play supported in a game with combat? Interesting! But then I saw the “retro” style graphics?” and thought, “Eh, probably garbage.” Now, I’m no graphics snob, but normally, I associate modern games…