Hear ye, hear ye, extra, extra, or… Something like that. It’s news time. Time for the news. The time specifically set aside for you to read the news. That time. And what a great time it is! This Sunday, I’ll be telling the stranger-than-fiction tales of which games are launching, which games are in trouble, and which games are entering beta after raising nearly four million dang dollars.
[divider]First thing’s first, folks, and it’s not the happiest of firsts. The Seed, an incredible-looking interactive novel, has hit a bit of a rough patch, and while the game certainly hasn’t been cancelled, the loss of a few volunteering team members has led to the game falling behind schedule a bit, delaying the beta and, probably, the full game. If you have skills you might be able to contribute to The Seed, you can contact the development team through Kickstarter. I’m sure they’d be glad to have some extra help!
It’s not all sad news today, though, so fight through the heartbreak and read on! Sunless Sea has been quiet for quite awhile, but they’ve broken the tense silence with a big update full of great news including screenshots, a ton of incredibly cool islands, and gameplay details for you to read through. You can read all about it over on the official website.
The developers of Wasteland 2 have also cracked a huge egg of info all over our brains. Not only did we get a sweet video of what combat will look like, we also got details regarding distribution, localization, beta access, physical copies, and other little tidbits in the same vein. For those of you who just want the footnotes, Wasteland 2 will be available through Steam and GOG for Windows, Mac, or Linux. If you get a physical copy, make sure you can patch that thing on day one, because if you don’t, you’ll miss out on the headshot feature. And who wants to miss out on that?
Two Steps Back has taken two steps forward in the past week, with two updates posted since we last fired our News Cannon™ at you. The first update outlines what actually may be perceived as a step back, but the humor of it negates the tiny hiccup. The game is stuck in German for some reason, despite the fact that it’s almost completely finished in both German and English languages. The hiccup was worked out, and the game will be sent out soon, but if you want it on Steam, you’re in luck. Voting has begun, and you can click literally anywhere in this sentence to go to the Steam Greenlight page and vote for it!
Project Maiden has also been the subject of multiple updates in the past week. The first wasn’t the happiest it could’ve been, because there’s been a delay. Why? Well, the lead developer messed up their hands (both of them, yeah) in what they refer to as a “dumb way”. Probably something high-five or shark related. Even though that led to a bit of a delay, backers didn’t freak out for once, and two days after that delay, the beta was sent out to all backers who earned it, so there was a happy ending after all.
The developers of Limit Theory outline the mythical fifth week of August in their latest update, simply rescheduling their latest development update for September 8th instead of its original August date. Why the delay? Broken hands? Run out of money? Fortunately, no, the developer has simply been on vacation because development has been going very very well and he needed to chill for a couple of weeks. At the same time, he states that “being late means I have to bring goodies”, so maybe backers will get a little something special soon!
Dead Synchronicity has been under development for the paste five months now, and it definitely shows. While the developers have plenty more to show, they’re holding back to make the big release as wondrous as possible. Unfortunately, that means that I have very few juicy details to share with all of you, but rest assured, things are going well. This update focuses entirely on three of the in-game characters based on real-life backers (pictured left), and includes a few recommendations for other campaigns to back while development progresses.
By now, everyone knows the thrilling tale of Mighty No. 9. The creator of Megaman left Capcom, and although Capcom kept the rights to everyone’s favorite boy in blue, the creator of the series took everything we love about him when he left, and he’s spent his time since his departure making Mighty No. 9, the best Megaman game yet (that, ironically enough, has nothing to do with Megaman). Well it’s been one year since the campaign that raised almost $4,000,000 was launched, and it’s the beginning of Mighty Month, a month of big reveals, beta testing, and fan art contests. There is so much going on, and we’re thrilled that this game is taking off in the way it is.
In other news, Pinball Arcade: Terminator 2 Judgement Day is coming to hecka consoles all over the place. Unfortunately, due to the boys over at XBOX being generally opposed to Sony having nice things, the PS4 version of this sweet, sweet pinball machine won’t be coming until later on after the XBONE has had its turn at exclusivity. Certifications are moving through the pipeline, and all signs point to the game eventually being available on consoles, but PS4 players are getting the short end of the paddle here.
Super Chibi Knight has had a bit of a setback as of late, but rest assured, it’s not a big deal at all, and will actually lead to a better game. Things happen, things change, and no deadline set at the beginning of a Kickstarter campaign has ever been met, so it’s no surprise to see this delay, but it is absolutely a good thing. Nick Pasto has made some great games, and he’s putting his all into Super Chibi Knight, meaning he isn’t going to rush.
You can also check out a new gameplay video of Super Roman Conquest if you’re so inclined, and it’s definitely a good demonstration of the intended mechanics. You can click on these four words to check out the video or you can click on the name of the game above to go right to Kickstarter and take a look at some incredible animations and artwork.
We also have some good news about Cosmochoria! Not only do we have a solid release date for early access, but we also have a very pleasing new trailer for the game that will be on the Steam page. If you want to pick up the early access (which we here at Cliqist can definitely recommend), you only have to wait until September 29th, at which point, you can pick it up at a Steam near you.
Alright, now we have two more pieces of news, and Greg can’t hear this one, because if he does, he’ll leave to go play Planetary Annihilation for two weeks… Is… Is he gone? Okay, good. Planetary Annihilation has officially launched, and the full game is now available on Steam, Humble, Origin, and Uber. If you already got into the early access, just update and you’re good to go.
After several attempted crowdfunded campaigns, Caffeine is just the game that people will not give up on – and with good reason, it’s absolutely nerve wracking in the best way. After months of voting on Steam, the first person psychological horror game has finally been Greenlit! Just a few days ago, Incandescent Imaging released the final Pre-Release Demo to the public, which is available on the Steam Greenlight page.
And that’s all there is, folks! You need no longer live in fear (or actively follow various Kickstarters), because my bony, pale fingers will continue to type up the news and fire it our of the aforementioned News Cannon™, directly at your face, until the end of time. Follow the socials, share our articles, back stuff on Kickstarter, and generally love us with the deepest, most mystical part of your soul.
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