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Ahmad Khan

34 Articles

Ahmad Khan grew up playing video games. A fan of RPGs and Post-Apocalypse games, Khan instantly fell in love with crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGogo that made games like Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity a reality. He also ended up being sort of a whistle blower for suspicious crowd funding project, believing that the venue of crowdfunding should be reserved for the honest and the passionate, not for the dishonest and dubious. You can stalk Ahmad on both Twitter and Facebook if you feel so inclined.

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Ahmad Khan
2 Min Read

World Wide Funder Features Another Possible Scam by Ahmad Khan Cliqist is investigating the new crowdfunding site World Wide Funder due to number of sketchy projects that are relaunching over there, such as Stalker Apocalypse. I encourage current crowdfunding enthusiasts, as well as indie game fans,…

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Ahmad Khan
2 Min Read

Stalker Apocalypse. Worth The Risk? by Ahmad Khan [dropcap]B[/dropcap]ackers and S.T.A.L.K.E.R fans beware!  One of the most infamous developers to ever launch a Kickstarter campaign are back to crowdfunding, and they are off to their old tricks again. Yes, West Games of Areal infamy is…

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Ahmad Khan
2 Min Read

The Crowdfunded Games of Indonesia by Ahmad Khan [dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s possible that most of North-America doesn’t exactly equate Indonesia with crowdfunded indie games, let alone videogames.  The good news is that Indonesia is starting to enter the market of indie games, and we’re seeing them show up…

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Ahmad Khan
3 Min Read

2015 Kickstarter Video Game Predictions by Ahmad Khan [dropcap]T[/dropcap]here are have a number of articles circulating in the indie game-O-sphere regarding the near-future trends of Kickstarter and IndieGogo, including a piece done by our editor-in-chief with a crowdfunding expert. Personally I would neither pretend, nor claim,…