Inspired by beloved titles like Harvest Moon, Bastion, Zelda, and the Elder Scrolls series, a handful of AAA industry vets founded Prideful Sloth Studios in 2015. They created this new studio for “the sole purpose of making beautiful worlds for you to explore, traverse and…
Corey Atwood
2 Articles
Corey's been playing games since he first climbed atop a barstool as a toddler to play a Duck Hunt arcade cabinet. He maintains an unhealthy obsession with DuckTales, the Back to the Future trilogy, and Punisher comics. If he's not playing games, you can probably find him poring over his retro game collection, napping in a hammock or gently weeping into a glass of whiskey.
Corey Atwood
2 Min Read
Housemarque founders Ilari Kuttinen and Harri Tikkanen are very open about their love for classic coin-op arcade titles like Defender, Robotron: 2084 and Smash TV and their direct influences on their own approach to game design. So, at the 2014 D.I.C.E. awards they approached the…
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