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15 Articles

Andy grew up with a PlayStation and an adoration of RPGs; particularly Final Fantasy. As he actualized as a person, his console library and choice of genres expanded, without eclipsing those facets that attracted him to the hobby to begin with. Today, an ESL teacher and a writer of fiction and features, he enjoys learning how the multiplicitous features of video games culminate into resonant experiences. Among his more recently-found interests includes the thrilling and short-lived runs of Roguelites.

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Jakarta-based Semisoft releases their first game on Steam on January 24th, just over a year after reaching their funding goal on Kickstarter. LeGrand Legacy Tale of the Fatebound is a sketched to life JRPG boasting nostalgic visuals and tactical combat. It courses with artistry and pragmatically…

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild served a staggering reminder: it was the most open-world Zelda game since the original. Everything in between, while not without opportunities to explore, had a linear order in terms of dungeons and major events. Cue The Untold…

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1921 Paris is a connotatively loaded setting for the Kickstarter funded Jennifer Wilde. Societal disillusionment and post-modernism inspired many artistic expats in Paris. This game, however, draws from that well but distills it into a more light-hearted point-and-click adventure and mystery game. The protagonist, Jennifer Chevalier,…

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If human beings are indeed not alone in the sprawling universe, I hope for two things. One, that their culture does not carry with it a galaxy-wide, prophetic doomsday. Two, that when we visit their planets they left kick-ass technology idling that we may play…