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Arthur Frawley

17 Articles

Arthur Frawley is a man of many talents. He started off his career in business by helping the board game company Prolific Games fund their board games and from there he moved onto entertainment management. He managed a successful author/actor/rapper/comedian for a few years and while working with his client he learned about film production and funding. After working in film for 2 years he was hired by Big Wise Productions as a producer and production coordinator. He has since moved on from film to text and has written for Convoy Games, Side Lines, GamingRev, and now Cliqist.

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Arthur Frawley
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]S[/dropcap]o the monsters from Dark Souls, Dante from Dante’s Inferno, Samus, and Simon from Castlevania decided to have a slumber party; and when they woke up Infernax was there. Infernax is in the metroidvania style of games in that it is a low-bit game,…

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Arthur Frawley
1 Min Read

Pure unadulterated terror, pants wetting fear, and shriekingly uncontrollable horror are rare in today’s gaming market considering the scariest game these days is one where animatronic mascots jump-scare you to death. So it is great to see a game really grasp subtlety in storytelling and innovative gameplay,…

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Arthur Frawley
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]B[/dropcap]artender another shot of your cheapest whisky, I’ve been riding for hours and I need to wet my whistle. What? No I don’t have any more money..wait! How about I trade a story for that drink? One story for one small drink? Great! Thank…

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Arthur Frawley
3 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]E[/dropcap]-sports is a misnomer. The NCAA recognizes 23 sports officially and the one quality that is present throughout all 23 sports is physicality. That physicality ranges from wrestling where you throw people to the ground to, shooting where you shoot a rifle, to basketball…