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Jordan Marciniak

6 Articles

Being a writer of all kinds, Jordan is currently working on his degree at Leeds Beckett University, where he studies English with Creative Writing. His preferred topic has always been video games, although, the game at hand stands second to him being able to voice some form of opinion on the matter. As well as a gamer, he's also an avid pro-wrestling fan and comic book reader. However, he doesn’t gauge any of these based on the hype and hyperbole surrounding them; but more so in their ability to convey an interesting narrative.

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Jordan Marciniak
1 Min Read

Like most people, I have never been interested in golf. Not watching, not holding the club, not even playing it in video game form. Honestly, the only time golf ever appealed to me is mini-golf, however, I think Giant Margarita have managed to capture that…