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Dan Miller

114 Articles

Dan’s gaming habit began in the 1980s with the NES and since joining Kickstarter in 2014 he’s backed over 100 crowdfunded projects - more than half of which were for video games. Hailing from the UK, he also writes for

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Dan Miller
1 Min Read

Popup Dungeon originally promised backers above certain pledge levels the chance to vote on which additional tilesets would be introduced in addition to the standard dungeons. However unlike a number of other projects that made ambitious claims, developer Triple B Titles did let backers influence development…

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Dan Miller
1 Min Read

Yooka-Laylee developers Playtonic Games have unveiled an image of one of the more unique rewards I’ve seen on Kickstarter – a 64GB Yooka-Laylee flash drive fashioned from an actual Nintendo N64 cartridge. These N64 flash drives were available to backers who pledged $340 for the…