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Serena Nelson

729 Articles

Serena has been a gamer since an early age and was brought up with the classic adventure games by Sierra On-Line, LucasArts, and Infocom. She's been an active member on Kickstarter since early 2012 and has backed a large number of crowdfunded games, mostly adventures. You can also find her writing for Kickstart Ventures and

3 17
Serena Nelson
1 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]B[/dropcap]ack in June of last year an adventure game sought funding on Kickstarter. Unfortunately, The Mystery of Oak Island didn’t make it and it was the last we heard about this ambitious project until very recently. I was approached by one of the creators,…

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Serena Nelson
4 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he story and lore of Bloodborne borrows heavily from the tales of H. P. Lovecraft and others inspired by his horrific tales. While there are few overt references to his works, the subtle nods to the occult and eldritch horrors introduced by this literary…

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Serena Nelson
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]”Y[/dropcap]ou gotta do what you gotta do.” That seems to be the motto in every post-apocalyptic wasteland tale since the dawn of the genre, but this mantra is beat into you throughout Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today, a dark point-and-click adventure game set in…

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Serena Nelson
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]C[/dropcap]urrently running on Kickstarter with only a couple weeks left is a science-fiction point-and-click adventure game with a unique art style called Ira. In it, you’ll play as the titular character through three different time periods in order to solve a mystery surrounding Ira…

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Serena Nelson
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]S[/dropcap]pace, the final frontier. No, wait. That’s a different show. Let’s start over. How about this: For queen and country! Yeah, that’ll do. Her Majesty’s SPIFFING is a recently crowdfunded science fiction adventure game by BillyGoat Entertainment. During the campaign, they released a demo to…