Every week, we trawl through Kickstarter, IndieGogo and almost every other crowdfunding site where we’ll be able to find people raising money to create games. And every week, we’re left both awestruck by many of the games that are being crowdfunded, as well as disappointed that…
Luke Luby
3 Articles
Luke Luby is a journalist based out of Cork, Ireland. He can normally be found in front of a keyboard or a console, and refuses to cut his hair on a regular basis. He has a couple of degrees saying that he knows how to read and write. Or, at least, that's what he thinks they say. Regardless of whether he's in front of a keyboard or a console, you can always find him on Twitter in order to tell him you think he's wrong. He won't mind, he'll gladly try to drop some truth bombs your way in 140 characters or less.
Every week, Cliqist trawls through Kickstarter, IndieGogo and almost every other crowdfunding site where we’ll be able to find people raising money to create games. And every week, we’re left both awestruck by many of the games that are being crowdfunded, as well as disappointed…