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Nic Reuben

57 Articles

Nic Reuben likes to pause games every five minutes to ponder the thematic implications of explosive barrel placement. When he's not having an existential crisis over CAPTCHA verifications that ask him to prove he's not a robot, he's reading sci-fi and fantasy short stories, watching cartoons, and mourning the writing standards in Game of Thrones.

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Nic Reuben
1 Min Read

It’s a great time in gaming for feel-good Armageddon scenarios. The Cede Kickstarter launched recently, giving green-thumbed gamers the chance to bring beautiful blooms to a gloomy doomsday. Now, with the gorgeously cell-shaded Flotsam, catastrophic floods have never looked quite so inviting. Let’s dive in, shall…

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Nic Reuben
1 Min Read

I visited Croatia, where Saint Kotor is set, earlier this year. Saw some castles. Met some people. Drunk some beer. It was nice. I didn’t take part in any stygian rituals to resurrect eldritch monstrosities. Nor did I howl at any gibbous moons from twisted…