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Ahmad Khan

34 Articles

Ahmad Khan grew up playing video games. A fan of RPGs and Post-Apocalypse games, Khan instantly fell in love with crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGogo that made games like Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity a reality. He also ended up being sort of a whistle blower for suspicious crowd funding project, believing that the venue of crowdfunding should be reserved for the honest and the passionate, not for the dishonest and dubious. You can stalk Ahmad on both Twitter and Facebook if you feel so inclined.

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Ahmad Khan
4 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]W[/dropcap]hat do you think when you read the following sentence about the game Moonman: In a strange, nocturnal world a moonman is summoned by an ancient mollusc. It sends him to the farthest corners of the land to search for fallen moon fragments…. Does that made sense…

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Ahmad Khan
5 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]D[/dropcap]evelopers heading to Kickstarter to fund their dream MMO isn’t terribly unique, just look at Pathfinder Online and The Repopulation.  What is unusual though, is someone funding a project as unique as Identity.  As we’re covered previously, Identity isn’t your typical MMORPG; it’s closer to an online…

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Ahmad Khan
2 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]2[/dropcap]015 should be an interesting year for fans of post-apocalypse enjoyment. GSC Gameworld has been reactivated, West Games are back to their old tricks, and then there’s the eagerly anticipated ‘The Seed’ from Misery Dev. The folks behind the fantastic STALKER Misery mod have…