You know all those post-apocalyptic games that have been coming out in the last few years? They’re all starting to feel the same, aren’t they? Open world shooters, RPG’s, zombies survival crafting rouge-like buzzword extravaganzas have all used the setting to their advantage. What could…
Josh Griffiths
365 Articles
Josh Griffiths is a writer and amateur historian. He has a passion for 3D platformers, narrative-driven games, and books. Josh is also Cliqist’s video producer. He’s currently working on his first novel, and will be doing so on and off for the next decade.
I’m willing to admit I didn’t do a good job explaining myself in the demo for Deliver Us the Moon’s WSA Space Center demo. As a result, I’m making a more conscious effort to explain why I don’t like the demos I don’t like. Such…
Kickstarter has seen a plethora of true political games in its history, and that trend continues with Mainlining, a point & click hacking adventure. Whereas Need to Know took it’s gameplay queues from Papers, Please, Mainlining seems to follow more the Cibele or Her Story…
Apparently, we haven’t yet covered Seiyuu Danshi, which is a great shame. It’s a visual novel about a young voice actor who doesn’t take his job very seriously. One day, he gets a new boss who forces him into gear. This is a different kind…
Indie RPG Shiness is continuing its campaign to embarrass even AAA RPG’s with its high production values. Earlier this week, Ynnis Interactive released a new update featuring a short gameplay trailer. It’s the first time anyone’s seen the game in action since it first started…
You know those crappy level 1 monsters you fight at the beginning of RPGs? What do you think they do when you aren’t around to slash their faces off? Mediocre Monster is here to answer that question. You play as Gob, an employee of The…
If you’re looking for spice in Kickstarter, try Discordia: Guardians of the Domain, courtesy of Chilean developer Movimiento Épico. That sounded a lot better in my head. Discordia is a free online tactical turn based RPG, with fantasy elements. The game revolves around a pillar…
Crowdfunding Analysis Time is an amazing title, despite what you otherwise might think. Let’s get that out of the way now, okay? Let’s just agree to it, and move on. So what is Crowdfunding Analysis Time, or CAT as we will refer to it as…
Need to Know blew past its initial $20,000 goal in a few days, and it’s now more than doubled that. It’s a political thriller; a simulator influenced by Papers, Please and molded after the real world NSA. As you can guess, it’s a very political…
Confession time; I never liked Shakespeare. I met him once or twice at a few parties in college, but he was quite the odd Othello. If you are a fan of his, you might heard about Elsinore, an adventure game taking place in the world…
Children of Morta, described as “everything you have seen in roguelike retro-games if it was turbo-charged and kicked up ten notches,” by our very own Ahmad Khan, just got two new gameplay trailers. Two new children, you could say, if you were desperately thinking of…
If Kickstarter was invented for any one thing, it’d be making new games for retro systems. For a while, that go to retro system was the Dreamcast. But now, Super Russian Roulette looks to make the NES the de facto retro console. Super Russian Roulette…
Thrive Games first took to Kickstarter in January seeking funding Dragon of Legends. It was a 2D RPG full of Norse mythology and presumably dragons. Dan Miller wrote that it was “one of the better examples of a Kickstarter project,” and was pretty optimistic the…
The term Casanova comes refers to a smooth talking charmer, usually a male. It comes from Giacomo Casanova, a smooth talking charmer and adventure in the 18th century who notoriously gambled most of his life, was no stranger to a woman’s bed, and partook in…
Pinstripe is billed as a a game about heaven and hell. It’s a 2D narrative exploration game with horror elements and a puppy. You play Teddy, an ex-minster who has to journey to hell to save his daughter. She was kidnapped by a strange entity claiming to…
Age of Empires 2 was a great game, wasn’t it? I remember playing it for hours as a kid. It was perhaps my first gaming obsession. I remember recreating American Civil War battles using the level editor and the Chinese soldiers armed with hand cannons….