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Mitchell Long

29 Articles

Mitchell “Moe” Long is a North Carolina writer with a passion for all things pop culture. Besides gaming, Moe enjoys cult classic films, listening to vinyl, and drinking far too much coffee. In addition to Cliqist, Moe writes about music and movies, and is currently composing what he hopes will one day be a novel about the universally awkward period of life known as high school. Feel free to check out and subscribe to his Examiner page as well as connect with him on Twitter.

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Mitchell Long
6 Min Read

A Look Back at Gabriel Knight by Mitchell “Moe” Long To help celebrate October, the upcoming Halloween holiday, and the impending release of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition the very adventurous Moe Long decided to play through all Jane Jensen’s classic…

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Mitchell Long
3 Min Read

Wasteland 2, A Refreshing Take on the Apocalypse by Mitchell “Moe” Long [divider] [dropcap]A[/dropcap] few months ago, I was privileged enough to review the early access version of Wasteland 2, inXile Entertainment’s inventive turn-based role-playing game. At the time, I was quite pleased, and kept forgetting…

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Mitchell Long
3 Min Read

A Marvelous Expedition in Expeditions: Conquistador by Mitchell “Moe” Long [divider] Expeditions: Conquistador is a highly enjoyable strategy-role playing romp from Logic Artists. The Copenhagen based developers achieved full funding in September 2012, raising just over $7,000 more than their target of 70K. As the title…

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Mitchell Long
3 Min Read

Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect Reviewed By Mitchell “Moe” Long [divider] It’s rare that a game receives a sequel after 18 years, but considering the series, this should be expected. Tex Murphy is among the most unique franchises in the game world, thus it’s only fitting…

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Mitchell Long
6 Min Read

Tex Murphy Retrospective By Mitchell “Moe” Long [divider] [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen I first loaded up the “Tex Murphy” series on my computer, thanks to the friendly folks at, I didn’t quite know what to expect. Sure I’d researched the detective, and knew the buzz words: “action-adventure,”…

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Mitchell Long
5 Min Read

Broken Sword – Series Review By Mitchell “Moe” Long [divider] [dropcap]I[/dropcap] recently reviewed “Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse,” and as mentioned in the write up, it was the first of the “Broken Sword” titles I’d played. While waiting for the second half of “The…

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Mitchell Long
3 Min Read

Wasteland 2 – Early Access Review By Mitchell “Moe” Long [divider] In 1988, an inventive game called “Wasteland” oozed into computers. Fast forward to 2014, and “Wasteland 2” has graced computers after a long respite. Such a lengthy wait between titles is almost unheard of,…

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Mitchell Long
3 Min Read

[divider]   [dropcap]W[/dropcap]ild West role-playing games are sparse, and the most recognizable title is Rockstar’s “Red Dead” series. “Boot Hill Heroes” however means to dig in its spurs and gallop onto the set delivering a unique mix of gameplay and story-telling. The Spaghetti Western style…

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Mitchell Long
2 Min Read

By Mitchell “Moe” Long [divider] The simplest description for “ORION: Dino Horde” is “Counter-Strike” with dinosaurs. Gameplay similarities make the comparison inevitable, but “ORION: Dino Horde” includes unique environments, classes, and of course prehistoric adversaries. It’s a highly enjoyable adrenaline rush, and fantastic addition to…