In a recent update, BattleTech developers Harebrained Schemes made an announcement regarding a partnership with Paradox Interactive. The terms of the partnership are laid out in full, including additional funding for play-testing, localization, and marketing. In exchange, Paradox is receiving a “cut of the game’s…
Josh Griffiths
365 Articles
Josh Griffiths is a writer and amateur historian. He has a passion for 3D platformers, narrative-driven games, and books. Josh is also Cliqist’s video producer. He’s currently working on his first novel, and will be doing so on and off for the next decade.
Mighty No. 9 and Red Ash are the two biggest disasters in Kickstarter history. That’s how it feels anyway, but in reality they’re far from the worst. There have been legitimate scams in the past, and not in the sense that somebody you don’t like…
Games based on historic events have a surprisingly bad track record on Kickstarter. Or maybe it’s not that surprising, judging by a similar video we did looking at crowdfunded sports games. Historical games, like sports games, are a niche, and being a niche within the niche…
Every so often, I come across a crowdfunded game I’ve never heard of before and check to see what kind of coverage we’ve given it at Cliqist. A lot of the time, it turns out we haven’t given it any attention at all. As Executive…
Last week we delved into the world of crowdfunded video game books. A vast majority of them focus on Nintendo and old computers, but not all of them. Unbound has a few computer focused books, and Indiegogo remains a wasteland. Kickstarter though is home to…
Within the last few months, Indiegogo performed some housekeeping. It’s hard to put an exact date on when since they made these changes with such little fanfare. We’ve chronicled Indiegogo’s failings in the past, especially with games, but perhaps they’re turning a new leaf. One…
There’s nothing like cracking open a new book. You get that fresh smell of paper, the pages rubbing between your fingertips, and a nice memento to put on your shelf that makes you look smart. Plus, books are retro. With the advent of e-books on…
Yacht Club games recently launched their second major piece of DLC for their beloved Shovel Knight – Specter of Torment. The follow-up to one of the most highly regarded Kickstarter-funded games of all time flew under the radar for some (read – us) but that…
Yooka-Laylee is not a very good game. Its creators, Playtonic, wrapped it (and themselves) up so firmly in nostalgia that it ended up choking them. This can’t be too surprising and not just because the Kickstarter sold itself on its similarities to Banjo-Kazooie. The people who created the…
One of the best things about Cosmic Star Heroine’s Kickstarter campaign is how it presents itself. Zeboyd’s RPG is takes inspiration from classics of the genre Chrono Trigger and Suikoden II. But it doesn’t sell itself as a spiritual successor or an unofficial remake like…
Today we introduce our new video series: Where Are They Now? Believe it or not, the series will take a look at what happened to developers after their crowdfunding campaign. Mostly we’ll be looking into developers with failed or suspended campaigns. Every now and then…
Another day, another high-profile Kickstarter disaster. That’s not an altogether accurate sentiment, but it certainly feels like it. Last week, Playtonic released their much anticipated Yooka-Laylee. Unfortunately for them, things haven’t gone well as the collect-a-thon has received mixed reviews (you’ll notice Jim Sterling’s 2/10…
One of the best things about Yooka-Laylee is that it had a quick turnaround. Playtonic launched its Kickstarter campaign in May 2015, and in less than two years, put the game in backer hands last week. It says a lot about a game when how…
Last week, we wrote about Lobodestroyo and the virtue of being patient. Well, that patience has been rewarded recently with a slew of new screenshots and information. The new screenshots show how far the game has come from its initial Kickstarter prototype. The world is…
PitterPot is the latest 3D Platformer to grace Kickstarter, and normally I’d gush over that fact for a few hundred words. Not today though. Glancing at its Kickstarter page shows how rough PitterPot currently is. Judging by the lack of funding and attention it’s received…
We here at Cliqist haven’t written about Kickstarted 3D platformer Lobodestroyo since August. It’s been rather quiet on that front, with developer Left-Handed Games keeping their cards close to their chest. Crowdfunded back in December 2013, Left-Handed Games did a phenomenal job keeping backers in…